I Could Get Used To This

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Chapter ten; I Could Get Used To This.

So, there I was, at Nialls place. I moved in for the time being so, I left my bags and stuff in Brees closet and I would sleep in her room. It was kind of awkward and quiet with it just being Niall and I.

A couple nights after I moved in, Lou, the boys' stylist, called Niall and asked if we could take Lux for the night. We obviously said yes, how hard could it be?

I had Lux most of the time. Not because Niall didn't want her, but because I just didn't want to let go. When it was time for bed, we were just gonna make Lux a bed next to Nialls, but she kept crying.

"What do we do?!" Niall asked.

"Does she normally sleep with her parents? If she does, then that's our problem."

"Let's just sleep in the living room with her, I'll go lay some blankets down."

Niall went and made a pile of blankets on the living room floor for the three of us to sleep on, and before we knew it, little Lux was passed out.

The next morning, I woke up to someone knocking on the door, and it was her dad, Tom. He picked her up, and after that, I went to go shower. When I got out, the living room was all cleaned up, and Niall was cooking breakfast.

"Good Morning!" I said. He turned around.


"What are we doing today?"

"Have you been shopping here yet?"

"No, not really. Why?"

"I thought you'd might like to go. I'm no Bree but, I can still take you!"

"Okay, eat and then let's go!"

We got to the mall and I was in awe. It was huge! First, we went to the Apple store and I ended up getting a MacBook and Niall got the new iPad. Next, we hit up a few stores, where we got some clothes. We kept walking a bit and of course there was Paparazzi but that's not what caught my eye. I looked further down the mall and saw a giant bear head, I knew what it was.

"Oh my god, Niall! We have to stop there!"

"Stop where?"

"There!" I said pointing to the bear head.

"Build a Bear workshop? You sure?"

"Yeah, let's go!" I grabbed his hand and ran to the store.

I ended up picking a bear for me and a bear for Skye. I made her one with red pants, a striped shirt, and TOMS. I named it, BooBear. Then mine, was a bit more special to me. When I went to make it, I had Niall kiss the silky heart after me, which would be stuffed in the bear. I dressed it in a red polo, khaki colored pants, and hightops. This one, I named, Lucky.

I proudly walked out of the store with the bears in my arm. After that, we left the mall and headed to my place to give Skye her bear.

When we got to my house, I waited for someone to answer the door, and to my surprise, it was my mom. My parents and I don't get along very well, mostly because they're never home. Skye is normally left with a babysitter or me when I'm home. I walked straight past her with Niall behind me. We walked up stairs to my sisters room and knocked on her door.

"Who is it!?" she asked with her cute little voice.

"It's me!" I said. We haven't seen each other in a few days so when she went to open the door, she jumped up into my arms an held on tight.

"I missed you!!!" she said.

"I missed you too! Go say hi to Niall!" she looked behind me and her eyes got wide.

"NIALL!!!" she jumped in his arms as well. I sat on her bed and set down the box which the bear was in.

"I have something for you!" He carried her over to her bed and set her down so she could open the box.

"OH MY BESUS!!" clearly, she was excited.

"It's name is BooBear." Niall said winking at me.

We sat with her for a few minutes before leaving again. When we got back to the house, the guys were there standing around something. When I got out of the car, I almost fell in shock.

"You guys bought me a car?!"

"Yupp! Do you like it?" Zayn asked.

"Of course she likes it. Didn't you see her face?" Liam said flicking Zayn.

"Thank you all so much!!!"

"Niall deserves the most thanks, he picked it out!" Harry said.

"You're welcome, Love!" Louis said. I looked to Niall and smiled. It was the same kind of car that he taught me how to drive in. I went over and hugged him.

"It was nothing really.." he said shyly.

"Well perfect timing then! I was gonna go grocery shopping!" I said, still with excitement.

Niall decided he wanted to stay home and clean up a bit. I don't get why though. The house was already spotless! Well, except our rooms... I was gone shopping for about forty-five minutes or so and when I walked in the door at his place, I dropped all of the bags, and my mouth was wide open...

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