Just Perfection

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Chapter eighteen: Just Perfection.

"Bye Skye, love you!" I spoke softly, Skye was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her. Was it time for tour yet? Sadly, no. I was leaving to go back with Niall. I hate being home. I can't stand being without Niall!! So, he's outside waiting for me. As I slipped on my TOMS, I grabbed my phone, then I ran out the door to meet him in his car.

"Glad you came!" I said excitedly.

"Atleast someone's happy to see me."

"Always am!"

"Want to rent a movie or anything?"

"Sure. I'm hungry.. Think we can make a quick trip somewhere?"

"Where to?"

"NANDOS!!" I replied, sounding like Niall. He giggled a bit.

"Alright, we can go, but it won't be a quick trip!"

We went to dinner, and let me remind you, it is about 11:30 PM, so the restaurant was cleared. When we went to get the movies, there was no one in the store. We finally got back to his place, well, it's basically our place since I really never leave. We then watched the movie we rented, which was Toy Story. Niall decided to tweet about the movie, "Movie night with my babe<3 Toy Story, here we come:)"

We were about ten minutes into the movie when all of a sudden, Liam bursts through the door, in his pajamas.

"Liam's Here!!!!" Liam said with excitement.

"Uhh, you're gonna fix that door, right?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. I wanna watch the movie!!!" he replied all whiney-like. Niall and I made room on the couch for Liam and we replayed the movie. I was holding Nialls hand, and I felt at home. This is where I belong. Within ten minutes, I fell asleep. And according to Nialls heartbeat, so did he.


Tomorrow is the day we leave for the beginning of the boys' tour. We just wanted to have a little fun before we were limited to playing video games and board games.

All of us decided to go hang out at a park and just have fun. We brought along Lux, a stereo, and a few board games. I played my favorite song on the stereo, A** back home, and we all started dancing. Alex and Aibreean showed up about five minutes late, hand in hand, laughing. You could just see the pain and hurt in Zayns eyes. He was emotionless at the sight of them. I walked over to him.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked.

"Sort of..."

"You really miss her, don't you?"

"I just wish there was some way I could get her back. I feel so alone.."

"That's it! I have an idea. At your concert tomorrow night, why don't you sing I Wish and More Than This and dedicate them to her!" I happily suggested.

"You know, that just might work. Thanks babe." he replied with a smile.

I played with Lux for a bit, until Niall came and grabbed my hand. He brought Lux and I over to a slide. We made a train. Lux in the front, me in the middle. Niall in the back. We slid down a few times. I kept looking towards Aibreean and Alex. It just wasn't right.

We needed every one to be pumped, so, we put on their album and used the top of the playground castle thing as our stage. We each picked a song an went up there and sang. I chose One Thing. When I went up there, my voice did not do the song justice. Apparently, to everyone else, I did good.

"You're good!! You should be the opener tomorrow night!" Eleanor said. I got butterflies.

"Aww come on! Being on stage isn't scary at all. Trust me, you just get a rush and you push through the nerves." Harry stated. Easy for him to say, this was his job!

"I couldn't do it..." I nervously replied.

"Sure you can." I felt arms wrap around my waist, and a head rest on my shoulder. I looked over to find blonde hair.

"Soo... Who else is tired?!" I asked, ending the singing conversation.

"Yeah, the sky got dark, and the street lights are on!" Louis replied.

"Thank you captain obvious!" I said, causing laughter.

"We should get going." Bree said. I'm guessing she's going back to Alex's hotel room.

"Us too. Bye everyone! Love you all!" I said.

Niall and I began walking home. I heard a little meow come from a bush. At first, I was startled. When I recognized the noise, I was excited.

"Hey, did you hear that?" I asked.

"No. What do you hear?"

"Hold on." I ran over to the bush. To my surprise, it was a fluffy white kitten. It seemed to be limping.

"Niall!! We're keeping it!!" I exclaimed.

"What is... Ohhh god. It's so cute! Harry's gonna be jealous." we both laughed. We started walking back home, thinking of names for it.

The kitty was a girl! We had no food for her though, so we gave her milk for the time being. I barely let her out of my sight.

"Got any good names?" he asked.

"Nahh, not yet. You?"

"I got one in mind.."

"Tell me!"

"Izzi..." he caused me to smile.

"Purrrrfect." I said winking.

I hugged him. Izzi intertwined herself between our legs. At that moment, everything was perfect. Don't ask how, it just was.

"I Love You." I said, looking him in the eyes.

"I Love You too." Niall said, looking right back at me.

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