Enjoy The Ride

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Chapter three; Enjoy The Ride

I woke up this morning at 10:30 and it felt weird. I'm still getting used to this place. I did my daily morning routine; check my phone, ten minutes of sunrise yoga, then breakfast. I unlocked my phone to find five new messages. One from Brae, one from elle, two from Aeron, and one from an unknown number. I checked the unknown first. It said, 'Hey Bella, it's Niall. I was wondering if you wanted to go check out the town today?' I responded with, 'Definitely! I'd love to. I don't have my license here yet so where do we meet?' I was about to text Aeron back when Niall replied. 'I'll pick you up. How about one?' Crap, I gotta hurry! 'Sure that's great! Thanks so much:)' This time I got to check  Aerons message. He sent me a picture of Atlanta on sunset last night, Dang, it was beautiful. The actual message said, 'Missing you here Beautiful<3 xx' I felt my eyes begin to water. I had to hear his voice. I called him.

"Aye, You've reached Aeron. Call me back later! I just might answer!"

That had to hold me over for a bit. I didn't check the other two messages because I had to get ready. I wiped  the tears from my eyes and began my yoga.

Ten minutes later, I was almost ready to shower. I went downstairs to find breakfast on the table but no one was there. There was a note on the table that read, 'We went job searching. If you go somewhere leave us a note. The rest  of your boxes are in the garage. Love you honey! -Us' I wrote my note and then ate breakfast. After I ate breakfast, I went and hopped in the shower. When I got out of the shower, I got dressed in shorts, a strapless tube-top, dark blue converse, and some jewelry. Underneath, I put my bikini on, just in case. I curled my hair and put a headband across my forehead.

Niall was right on time. It was 1:00PM and he arrived in a metallic blue, Chevy Camaro Convertible. I was in awe.

"Dang! That's a nice car!" I said, still in awe. 

"Hah, thanks. Get in, I wanna take you somewhere."

About five minutes later we were cruising down the London bridge.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously. 

"You'll have to wait and see," He replied back with a smile. "We're meeting my sister and her boyfriend somewhere. She's sixteen. How old are you? Seventeen?" 

"Yeah, actually, I am. How old are you?" 

"Eighteen. Nineteen on September 13." 

"Eighteen on July 4."  

"You like music?" 

"Of course! Who doesn't?!"

He popped in a CD. One I've never heard before. I figured it wasn't popular back home yet, it might be a UK thing.

"Who is this?" 

"A British-Irish Band. They're called 'One Direction.'"  

"Oh my god, they're amazing. Turn it up!"

He blasted the little stereo, and I danced in my seat. I noticed Niall look over a few times and before he looked away, he'd have a great grin across his face. Just about four songs later, I knew we were almost there.

"Hey, close your eyes." 


"This is your surprise, I don't want you to see it until we are fully there."

I closed my eyes and I felt him pull my hand into his. He guided me through rocks and sometimes i felt patches of grass sweep beside my feet. I felt him stop walking. He came behind me and he cupped his hands over my eyes.

"Okay ready? 1,2,3, Open!"

I opened my eyes, and before me was a beautiful beach. I was breathless, speechless, and was overall taken by how beautiful it was.

"Oh my gosh. This is amazing!" I was still in awe. 

"Meet my sister, Aibreean." 

"Hey Aibreean, I'm Bella." 

"Bella! You're so pretty! And you can call me Bree." She said with excitement and a smile.

I noticed a guy a bit taller than Niall, standing behind Bree. They must have noticed me looking past them because they said something about him.

"Oh sorry. Zayn! Zayn, come here! Come meet Bella!" Bree said with encouragement in her voice. 

"Um, Hi Bella..." Zayn said nervously. I giggled slightly.

"Hello, Zayn."

Niall took me out by the water, away from Zayn and Bree. He taught me how to skip rocks. He even brought out a basket, with our lunch/dinner in it. It was just the two of us. I haven't had this in what felt like about a month.

"Niall, thank you so much for being nice enough to take me out here. I know we're still kind of strangers. We should hang out again soon."  

"You're welcome. I love to spoil people. It doesn't matter who it is. And yeah, we definitely do."

We began to drive home. Within a few minutes, I fell asleep. I woke up on Nialls shoulder, we were still in the car. I looked around and noticed I was home. I looked behind and saw a car. It seemed suspicious. But I didn't say anything.

"Thanks again for everything." 

"No problem. You seem really tired, so I'll text you again tomorrow. Goodnight Bella. Sweet Dreams." He said with a smile. 

 I walked up to my front door and waved goodbye as he left. When I walked in the door, I plopped myself down on the couch. I was out.

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