Starting with a smile Chapter 9

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A month later

Lauren's POV 

I was in my room, listenig to my music when I realized that I haven't gone to parties for a while so i decided to call one of my best friends from my old school...Vero.

" Hey Lauren what are you up to? " Vero greeted me.

" Hey Vero I thought we could go to a party tonight. What do you think? "  I asked her but I already knew the answer because if it has to do something with parties or drinking you can always can count Vero in.

" Come on Laur is this a serious question? You know how much I love to party ! ", she answered. 

I laughed " Of course this wasn't a serious question. Gosh Vero you think I didn't know that. Anyways I was thinking about that you call the other girls and ask them and maybe I can get my new friends to come too." 

" Ok Laur sounds like a plan to me. So I will text you the details later and that lets party " ; she said.

" Okay see you later " , I said and hung up. 

I decided to text the girls but I didn't got a response form any of them. So I called Camila but she didn't anwer the call. After a while I got a call and it was Camila.

" Hey Camz I tried to call you " , I started

" Yes Lolo I know but I am studying with Dinah so I decided to put my phone away to not get distracted " , Camila explained

" Oh okay so I actually wanted to ask you if you want to come to a party with me and my friends tonight ? " , I asked.

" I'm sorry Lolo but Dinah and I, we have to study for a test tomorrow but next time for sure " , she said.

" Oh ok no problem "  , I sighed " do you know anything about Ally and Normani because they aren't answering their phones either ? " , I questioned her.

" Yeah they are actually out with their boyfriends on a double date. They will come back tomorrow morning " , she answered my question.

" Well okay it seems I have to go with friends alone but okay then see you and thanks for the information " , i say trying to end this conversation as fast as I could beacuse I don't want Camila to recognize that I am actually sad that she can't come with me.

" Okay then bye Lolo" , she ended the call.

After that I went to my closet, picked my out my outfit and went to get ready.

Camila's POV 

So after Lauren called I went back to study with Dinah again but I can't really concentrate because my thoughts are spinning around Lauren. And then its when I finally realized that I'm falling in love with Lauren. I am actually really sad that I couldn't go with Lauren to that party. " Mila are you even listening to me ? " , Dinah snapped her fingers in front of my face. Okay I don't have any clue what she was talking about for the last few minutes " Huh uhm no not really. Sorry " , I said trying to apologize. " I think I know what the problem is here "  , said Dinah of the sudden. I didn't know what she was talking about so i gave her a confused look.  " You are thinking about Lauren aren't you ? " , she guessed. " How do you know ? " , I asked her. She explained " Well since you called Lauren back you are not really paying attention to anything I am saying and when Lauren looks at you or gives you a smile you always blush. I can see the sparks in your eyes too when you look at her " . Well this all makes sence but i didn't know that this was so obvious " But I can tell that she likes you too because I can see those sparks too " , Dinah told me. " You sure ? " , I asked her because I'm not sure. " yes Mila I am sure " , she said. " Thank you Dinah " " I don't know for what but youre welcome " " I think we should continue to study " , I told her. " Yeah good idea I don't want to have a bad mark " , Dinah agreed. With that we turned our attention back to school.

Author's note:

Thank you guys for reading. If you want you can comment your thoughts and some ideas. I love you guys.

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