Fake Smile

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My friends see me smiling every day and always ask me these questions

"Are you okay? Are you all right? How do you feel? How are you?"

These simple questions are asked to each of us every day by friends, family, relatives, acquaintances and even strangers and when we answer, our answer is usually; I'm fine, I'm good, I'm all right or I'm okay but is that what we really feel that day?

Are you really feeling good? Are you really feeling fine? Are really you okay?

Do you really feel those words that you say, to describe how you are feeling?

Because sometimes we are just lying

Lying to our friends, family, relatives, strangers and most importantly ourselves

We lie to them telling them we're all right even if we know deep down inside we aren't fine

We are all facing some kind problem big or small but we keep it to ourselves and show that nothing is wrong at all

We often like the hide the fact that were hurting, we often conceal our pain and suffering

We often don't even tell the people who we trust the most about these melancholic emotions because we feel that we will just become a burden

We feel that our problems our petty, we feel that if we tell them we will seem needy

We feel that if we tell them they will judge us or get angry

We feel that if show it, those people won't be understanding

We refuse to really reveal our true feelings because we feel that we aren't important

We feel that we worthless and it's not worth their time to know that we aren't fine

We hide our true intentions and emotions deep in the depths of our soul

Because we can't find anyone who we can console

It seems everyone's too busy to really take the time to care or even listen to the problems we want to share

So, we just keep it bottled up inside, put up a mask to hide and face the world with a fake smile

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