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Ara's POV

I kinda felt sorry for Tia she wasn't exactly getting much attention because of me, and I think she was getting jealous, so I came up with a plan that Dada agreed to. When Tia came in she stood there and looked jealous at the fact that I was sat in Dada's arms again, so I started crying so he placed me down in the basket before calling Tia over.

"Come here please sweetie"

"But she's crying" I could practically hear the venom in her voice as she spoke " Come here Please" she nodded here head and walked over to Dada who pulled her into his lap, and told Tia to hold her arms in a certain way, then he lifted me out of the basket and placed me in Tias arms so I stopped crying like we planned.

"See she stopped her crying because she knows she's safe with her big sister"

Tia looked at me and smiled "she's so cute!" I giggled at that, Dada carefully lifted Tia up and placed her on the sofa before going into the kitchen and coming back with a drink for both of us, as Tia started feeding me my bottle of apple juice Mana came home and saw Tia holding me and took a photo while talking "aww look at my two beautiful girls" there was one downside to her having given me the bottle I ended up wetting myself and crying.

"But I didn't do anything!"

Tia's POV

Mom laughed at what I said before taking Ara and telling me to follow as she speaks "of course you didn't it's just she needs a change that's all" mom set her down on the changing table before grabbing a step for me to stand by the table while she changed Ara. "Eww that's gross, I can't believe I was holding her while she did that!" Mom laughed at me again while she cleaned Ara up and put a clean diaper on her.

"See you don't have to be left out, you can help take care of your sister, by bathing her, playing with her, even feeding her or taking her for a walk with us, I'm not going to make you change her, but I will if you ever miss behave!"

I laughed at moms statement then nodded before getting down of the step and sitting on the floor with Ara while mom went off to get cleaned up, she closed the baby gate so Ara couldn't escape, I sat there and played with Ara who was lying down on the floor trying to sit up, I grabbed the cushion seat and placed her in it so she could sit up and we played with a ball.

Soon enough mom came back and took another photo of us together before opening the gate and carrying Ara into the kitchen where she placed her in a high chair and placed all our food on the table, but she didn't give anything to Ara except a toy to play with.

Once mom had finished her food she got up and fed Ara the food she had made ready for her, once she was fed mom waited for me to finish before taking me to help wash Ara ready for bed, we put her in a little seat in the bath and started to wash her despite her complaining, but as soon as I showed her a rubber ducky she stopped fussing and calmed down.

After she was all washed mom put her in a clean diaper and onesie before lying her down in the crib with her blankie and stuffie, once she was asleep mom offered me a treat for being a good big sis and helping, mom said she'll take me and Ara to the toy store tomorrow.


Mammy's POV

I got Ara up and ready with the help of Tia, before giving them both breakfast and James his lunch before he kissed us all goodbye and headed off to work, once everyone had, had breakfast I got the girls in the car before driving off to the toy store.

I placed Ara in the baby seat in the trolley before letting Tia push it because she wanted to be helpful "Tia seeming as you've been really helpful you can choose two toys" she jumped up and down before hugging me saying "thank you mom" Tia chose two new stuffies before spotting a giant teddy " if you want that then you only have that" Tia put the other toys back before picking up one of the giant bears, then turning to me "we should get one for Ara too!"

I nodded my head in agreement it would be big enough that she would look tiny on it, so I chose a white one before heading off to pay for the two bears, when we got back to the car, I placed one in the front seat and one in the back in between those two before heading home.

When we got home, Tia took the Diaper bag and her teddy inside the house before coming back to grab Ara's while I carried Ara inside, Tia placed Ara's in the nursery on the play mat before putting her own in her room on her bed, Tia was practically the same size as the bear.

I changed Ara from her dirty diaper before placing her down for a nap in her crib.

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