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Sakura pov...
This thing gets me mad! There's about 5 of us fighting this giant and it not once cried out. I need to find a weak spot. "Sakura where are you going" I heard sasuke said but ignored him and kept going.
I punch almost everywhere but no luck at all. I'm not giving up. I heard something so I turned around but no one was there. As I turn back the noise was there once more. I swiftly turn my neck and saw...babies? This is a girl giant? Well if it is it doesn't look like one. Wait is there more of these?!?
"Sakura!" Yelled sasuke comes toward me. I almost forgot what I need to do. "Yes sasuke-kun?" I ask looking at him innocently. "What are you doing I told that but you ignored me" He said looking in my eyes deeply. "I'm trying to find a weak spot but no luck so far" I said. Sasuke stared at me and smirked " that's a great idea Sakura. I'll help you" he said and took off. I was searching and punching but then one I hit something the giant screamed but this wasn't any of the giant body parts it was more like a round blue ball inside its stomach but I kept on punching it till I saw a crack. The giant started throwing fist everywhere. "Woah..." I said. I did a final blow and it started collapsing pieces by pieces

Naruto pov...
For some reason the giant started falling. But what made it do that? I see all the other people jumping off while I stay on and think. I heard my name being called out "NARUTO NARUTO!" Said someone. I look at all my direction and I see it was hinata. I hurried and got off while smiling. "Hey hinata are you okay?" I ask. "Yes I just wanted to make sure you are naruto" she said blushing. I smiled and kissed her forehead.
Some of the ninja's came to investigate the creature.
"N-Naruto we should do something after this" said hinata blushing. I laughed, I love seeing her blush. "Sure I can use a break just me and you" I said. I went up to Sakura and Sasuke with hinata. "Are you guys okay?" Ask hinata. They both nodded there head.

3hours later...

Until next time guys!

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