Chapter 8

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(A/N:Lots and lots and lots of description! The chapter is mainly what the rooms look like, so you're free to skip the chapter!)

*couple days later*

Hazel's P.O.V

Since the encounter with the boys, we've talked everyday. They're so much like us it's unbelievable! And with the perkier weather, we've been able to get the new carpet/hardwood flowers throughout the house and painting the walls. It turned around so much better then we all thought it would've. The living room got painted a dark-lightish grey. The built in shelf had to white lamps on both sides with a white mirror in the middle. The floor was covered in grey carpet with a grey carpet that had white designs. On top the carpet was a dark purple-greyish couch that was in the shape of a L, and to add color there was a wide rang of pillows. In front of it was a black small coffee table with a mirror top. To top it all, on the same wall as the staircase, was a huge flat screen T.V. on the wall with a holder for movies. The staircase was brand new polished wood. It went all the way to the room at the end of the hall, to Kate's room.

I glanced at my room: I was pretty proud. My walls were a maroon color with sliding mirror doors for my closet. Around my closet was white Christmas lights, bighting up the room from such a dark color. My bed took a little space in my room; it's a queen sized bed with a white comforter and fluffy pillows. Across my bed was a table with my Apple computer and other shit. Around my desk and on the wall, there was little round blue lights. To top if off, in the empty corner of my room, a huge cork board was hung with a ton of pictures and clippings. (Just like JennxPenn's room. If you haven't seen it, look it upon YouTube to help get a better idea.)

Gabby's turned out really good too. In stead of tan walls and brown carpet, she switched it out for royal purple colored walls and fluffy white carpet. Fairly lights were strung near the ceiling all around the room. A king sized bed was in the center of the room with a black, white, and purple bed spread. A dark wooden door was next to her bed that lead in to huge walk in closet. The vanity was a very dark blue (EEW) with clothes everywhere that need to put in their "special place's." Anyways, across from her bed was a large flat screen T.V.. Surrounding it was multiple bean bags in every color - even one was rainbow! She even got a small backless couch too. On the opposite side of her bed was a pale green desk that had a matching spinney chair. On the same wall as her window (that had dark purple curtains) was a large bookshelf that had books from Divergent to One Direction. The wall opposite was a medium dresser with a mirror that was about the same length of the dresser. The mirror had pale - hot pink fake flowers glued on the top right corner and bottom left. She added some white flowers too. Lastly, she had a little white canvas above her bed that said 'Don't let anyone dull your sparkle.' Oh, how could I forget that she added a shrine of One Direction posters on her wall with pink fairy lights surrounding the posters.

In Kate's room, she painted it black and dark purple with the same carpet as Kiera's. Fashion and band posters everywhere. Kate added a king sized canopy bed that was purple. On the ceiling was Christmas lights that were the rainbow ones. Since Kate edits our videos, she had a area for her desk and laptop and camera. Lastly she had a giant walk in closet like Kiera's but not with blue vanity. Oh, and she had a white bookshelf that took up most of her wall. But, Kate did have a walk in bathroom. About 3/4 was dark purple with a white tile thing coming up. It was really elegant, like something you would see in Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp.

Gabby's bathroom was painted a light orange while mine was a blue.

Lastly, Lillian's room had the most work for being down in what seems to be the "basement." She had painted the walls teal in the front room with the dark new wood. Her rom was painted a different color - a deep purple that it looks black. In the front room, she had two good sized windows and one on the wall next so there was one of those built in seats to look out the windows. White lights were strung against the windows. There was a MTV poster, Ed Sheeran poster, and a Nirvana poster taped against the opposite wall where there was huge book shelf. Around the book shelf was purplish lights that contrasted with the teal. On the wall of the lonely window was photos that made the shape of a heart. She had multiple dream catchers hung near the ceiling of the same wall as the bathroom wall. Also, she had a London, LA, and NYC poster on the same wall. Her bathroom was kept the same since is pretty much brand knew like the kitchen was. The room was held with a Pac Man rug with a black sofa bed in the middle. There was a small black round table in front of the sofa. A flat screen was standing on a T.V. cabinet that was dark wood. A Wii was connected, the remotes next to the TV. In the hallway was quotes like 'Follow your dreams' with a fake tree that had a hanging cage that was open with multiple birds flying away. In her room, she had a king sized bed stuffed in the corner opposite of the door with a Union Jack comforter. To brighten up the room, she strung white lights strung up near the ceiling around the bed. On the same corner as the bed rest was white letters that said 'we only breathe' and on next wall the bed was against, 'for so long' started at the end of 'breathe.' A round peace sign bedside table was next with a photo of her family. On the same wall as her closet door was a L shaped desk that so far held a laptop, lamp, and her pink bag. In the huge closet was clothes everywhere, just like Gabby's.

I'm done telling what rooms looked like....


"I'm coming!"

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