Chapter 24

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Gabby's P.O.V

Today is our official last day in Australia before flying out. I mean, after tour we are staying out here for a little bit more before we have to move to London. It is quiet sad; our manager gave us today off then we leave at 7 and be in the Florida by 10-11 o'clock in the morning. Since James has been to Sydney the most due to family, he led us around the whole time.

It was only 9 and most of the shops opened already. We wanted to get a head start, only spending the whole day together before the girls and I leave for a couple months. The nine of us ate breakfast at the hotel, so were headed straight for the indoor mall. It wasn't like the one we filmed the public nuisance but it'll do for now.

Hazel dragged us into Forever 21 since it was the first store in sight. Daniel groaned the loudest, causing some of the early morning rush hour to give us death glares. Luke kept shuffling his backpack from shoulder to shoulder. "Hey, guys?"


"Do you think we should create another video? Stay here for a hour or two then go the outside mall?"

"That sounds good!"

"So what are going to do?"

"Fast fooding."

Jai's smart.

"Well, I highly doubt any will be eating lunch at 9 in the morning. Why don't we just go to the outside mall and come back closer to lunch." I suggested.

"Sure. C'mon!"


It was 11:30 now. The girls and I each had about 2 bags in each hand. James and Jai kept teasing us on how we almost got into a fight on who was going to buy the last varsity jacket. We were too busy in arguing to see Lillian took it and bought it for herself.

"Seriously! Hazel looked like she was about to slap someone!"

"Oh shut up. If I would've slapped someone, it probably would've been Kate since she kept complaining how she needed something to go with her dress up vest!"

"Well I would've if you didn't keep bringing up how Kiefer would've hated it on me!"

Cat fight. Hazel was seriously about to slap her. Luke pulled Kate away and calmed her down. Hazel on the other hand was still furious. Kate came back into the car in front of Luke. Before you know it Hazel was basically on top of her. James and Daniel tried to stop it while Luke kept trying to get Kate away from her. Beau was driving and Lillian was in the passengers seat. Me and Jai? We're just sitting in the back, watching intently like it was a movie. "Where's the popcorn?" I whispered.

"Kate and Hazel will rip each other so much; that'll be the popcorn." He whispered back. That made no sense what so ever.

"Guys! I can't concentrate on the road!"

But they still kept tearing each other the shreds.

"Girls! Stop fighting! You two are arguing about a stupid jacket that's already been bought so why keep fighting over it!?" Lillian yelled.

The car grew silent as lion number one and lion number two stopped. Lillian sighed in relief. "Lillian, you have no right to stop our 'arguing.'" Hazel snapped. Oh shits about to go down.

"Because you two are like 5 year-olds fighting over tow gets to use the Barbie car. I may be the youngest but half the time I feel like I'm the oldest because you aren't doing a very good job at it."

Well that shut Hazel up. "Plus, who wants to fight on our last day together as a family?" Jai asked. Then realization hit like 15 bricks. Beau pulled the car into a parking space close to the mall.

Once we were all out of the van, we huddled into a group hug, lion #1/#2 apologizing. Luke got out his camera, "ready?"



The first victim was a group of boys. Probably like six, seven maybe?

"Is it just me, or do those guys look familiar?" I asked. Of course Lillian didn't have her glasses on to see. She kept squinting; "GABBY! It's the guy from the night of our meeting. The one about going on tour!"

The boys faces' bubbled red. Maybe they told James and Daniel what happened? "C'mon. Let's just go to Diary Queen or something." Luke slipped his arm around Kate's shoulders, glaring back at the boys as we walked away.

Sadly, they saw Luke and us. "Guys! Go faster!" I rushed.

"Why-" James stopped mid sentence. "Shit. They saw us."

Daniel decided to book it for downstairs- wow, thanks Daniel. Leaving us as all eight of us loose our heads?

"Well, well, well, look who we have here." Hattie. Never caught his name.

"What's your name?" Hazel asked. Thank god.


I don't know what I was expecting, but it really fitted him. "Well, Matty, could you and your friends please excuse us, we're trying to enjoy our last day together."

Matty and his group of friends were laughing their asses off. What the hell?

"And why would we do that?"

"Because we asked you to." Kate snapped.

The guy in a tank top stepped forward, "I'm Josh, btw, and I'm sorry for my shitty friends. We'll just leave you guys alone."

"Thank you."

Matty gave Josh the death glare. "Josh!" He hissed. "Why would you do that?"

"Because you have YouTube sensations Those Girls and the Janoskians. They're family. The girls are going to the US for their tour starting tomorrow so today is their last day as a whole family."




"Fine." Matty growled. Matty, along with the other guys, walked off into the Nike store.

"Thank you, Josh."

"No problem! Uh, can I -"

"C'MON! PICTURE TIME!" Lillian yelled.


Now it's 2. Our video shooting turned out really well - and funny -. Jai took us to the cinema to see Neighbors, so now we have three more hours until we leave.

"Why don't we go to the house and hang out, like the good old times?"


Sure enough, we laid on the couch, watching tv and eating popcorn, swimming, and listening to music from the roof top until it was five in the afternoon. I checked and made sure I had everything that I needed; I grabbed my carry on bag from my bed. Daniel was as sweet as always and carried my bags out to the van. Jai wanted to drive there this time, so I joined him upfront by sitting in a the passengers. Kate was pretty sad; the whole time she kept her face on Luke's chest. Lillian on the other hand was being jolly and joking around with Daniel who was next to her. Hazel was on her phone most of the way there, as well as James.


"Flight 3709 to Miami, Florida, now boarding." The robotic voice boomed over the loud speaker twice. (SORRY IF THATS WRONG I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A AIRPORT LOL OK BYE)

All of us stood up. It's hard leaving family twice; first blood family and now friendship family. I may not of have started out as a huge fan, but as time grew, Daniel was the closest to me. That and since he dyed his hair blonde it was just the two of us. Ya know, since Luke got his old blonde streaks cut off.

I gave hugs to everyone before we crashed into one huge group hug. Daniel gave me one more hug as Kate and Luke cried their eyes out. It's sad watching them drift; and by drift I mean distance. Beau and Lillian shared one last hug and kiss before Hazel I dragged them to the plane. We waved bye to them one last time before boarding the plane.

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