vidcon part 2

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"we've been here for three or four hours just doing meetings and stuff but right now, we're heading to vidcon." Alex tells his vlog and then turns it to me because im walking next to him.

"Ayeee." I get hyped for it, vidcons gonna be lit.

Hired photographers for the event take our photos before we enter a building with security wrist bands. We all pile into a long, empty corridor with little vehicles driving around it."Uber for alex?!" Adapt shouts making me cackle.

"(Y/n) you're wack as fuck." Bank tells me, joking of course. I shrug my shoulders in response with a grin.

Soon a 6 seat golf cart pulls up and offers us a ride to the area of the event because its a long walk and we'd probably end up getting lost along the way, especially since Banks is with us. "Hey, guys, hop on." Adapt tells the group so everyone tries to pile on. I stand at the side seeing if i can squeeze on anywhere since I'm one of the smallest in this group.

My eyes wander over to Alex and he rolls his eyes at the sad look i gave him. He sighs, patting his leg as a sign for me to sit on it. I bound over gleefully and rest on the edge of his legs so it doesn't make him feel uncomfortable but instead he pulls me by the waist further down him. "Thank you." I say, his large arm still wrapped around my waist securely so i don't fall off.

"See you guys lighter." Alex says, filming the rest of the guys we're leaving behind.

We travel through the winding passages until the woman stops driving the cart, she points to the lift and tells us to take this to the first floor. We thank her before she drives off to pick up the rest of the group.

I press the button and wait, I'm buzzing to meet my fans, todays gonna be great! The doors open and we all jump in, it was much less crowded than the last time which was a win. "So when these doors open, are we actually in Vidcon, like were all the fans are?" I ask to nobody particular.

"I think we go down some stairs and thats where all the people will be, i think." Nikan answers. If there's one person i want to stay with in a big crowd, its Nikan or Banks. You can see them from a mile away and they're so big that they can protect you.

The doors slide open to reveal a big lobby with a gigantic glass window showing many people walking around outside. On the floor below us, some fans recognized us from over the balcony. "Yo Adapt!" Someone shouts as we go on the elevator down.

Rice is at the front, followed by Alex, Nikan, Me, Frazier,  Rug, Drew Banks and Teeqo. The others were catching up but there was no way that we would be able to meet the rest of our group in this massive crowd of people. Fans started shouting our names, pulling out their phones out and crowded round the bottom of the escalators.

Eventually we made it off the escalators  after none of the fans listening to us when we asked them to move away so we could off. "Are you good?" Rug asks me before chaos erupted.

"Yeah... well not really but its too late to turn back now." I laugh, you loved being in the crowds for concerts and everything else but this time, the crowds pushing to get near you and thats slightly alarming. To anyone, a big group of people pushing and shoving to get you can be scary.

Rice walks the complete opposite way to where we're meant to be going. He has his camera out and he hypes everyone up to scream. "Yo, Rice you're going the wrong way!" Banks shouts but Rice can't hear him over the screaming fans. Ricky tries to make his way towards him, Nikan soon joins him whilst the rest of us take hundreds of pictures. Its overwhelming.

Suddenly, I'm swept away from Alex with a strong surge of people. "Alex!" I shout before getting carried away eith the crowd. Im not that tall, only 5'5 and most of the people are taller than me so nobody will be able to see me easily. In the distance, i see Nikan so i begin to shout his name and hopefully hear thats it me from all the other fans calling him.

"Nikan! Nikan its (y/n)." I bellow and he looks around and smiles when he finds me. I hug him, clinging on for dear life.

"Why didn't you stay with Alex?!" He asks me.

"I got swept away with the crowd, now isn't the time to be talking about this." As every second passes, more people fill up the hall.

"Get up on my shoulders!" He orders, talking loudly so i can hear him but that isn't a problem becuase its Nikan.

He hoists me up and i clamber into his shoulders. Much better, less claustrophobic up here. I can finally see everything now instead the backs of peoples heads. I search for rest of our group and they're already trying to move through the crowd in the direction we're meant to go. Ricky has finally pulled Rice along with him, he looks at me on Nikan and laughs.

We stagger through the sea of bodies, taking pictures all the way. It was hetic, an experience I'm never going to forgot. We make it to the glass doors of backstage part of the meet and greet. Nikan tilts forwards letting slide off of his but as i come down, i scrape my leg on door handle.

After showing our passes to the man behind the door, he finally lets us in and i limp over. Banks, Adapt, Teeqo and Frazier are already in here, surrounded by security.

"Omg! (Y/n) your leg!" Frazier points out and everyone looks, including me. Blood is dripping down my leg from a massive cut on my knee. I haven't even looked at this from when i cut it on the door handle.

"Trust it to be me." I giggle, moving my leg around so i can get a better look.

"Give me your wrist band." This rude bitch tells me holding a pair of scissors, not another whack security team again.

I was so tempted to say 'Not until you say the magic word' but with the look on her face, she'd probably end up stabbing me with those scissors. "A 'please' would be nice." I mutter, giving her my hand so she can cut the band off.

After a while, the rest of group started to show up one by one and every single one of their wrist bands got cut off. I can literally feel Banks about to blow up.

"Ricegum to the principals office." Adapt jokes and i do my weird ass laugh again. Rug is still not to be seen, presumed dead. Nah, lil Rug is probably still fighting his way through the crowd.

"This way, come on." Someone herds us out as if we're animals, no respect.

"(Y/N) you should probably get your leg wrapped up, it looks pretty bad." Nikan says, i avert my gaze to my now red leg. One side is covered in blood, damn not my white nikes! For gods sake. I didn't even realise i was limping.

"Nah, I'll last until i get to the house." I say, "now is not the time to worry about a little cut, we're getting kicked out of vidcon."

"LITTLE?! You might need stitches, you knees fucked (y/n)." Alex says, as i limp slowly along, trying to keep up with the security. Not gonna lie, this hurts alot but I hate people who moan and nows really not the time to be doing so. Suddenly, Alex easily picks me up bridle style. He can only pick me up because of all his muscle.

We walk-Alex walks and the rest of the gang walk over to the SUVs parked outside for us. Alex gently lowers me down as we see Rug, "Yo, what happened?" Alex asks, smiling. Most of us just find it funny.

"Dude, I got physically attacked." He says, awe poor little man. Hes about the same size as me and it was horrible for me and i was with a gigant, i would hate to experience that alone.

"We got kicked out of Vidcon." Wolfie tells Rug, "(y/n) knees messed up so we gotta hurry before she bleeds everywhere."

"Wait what!?" Rug yells.

"Come, move it guys." A security guard shoves Alex towards the car.

"Hey man, chill." He says, shaking him off.

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