Day and Night

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Taking a shower, I wash my hair then leaving it to air dry so it will curl naturally. Todays going to be hot and being in a crowd of sweaty people, it's going to make it 10 times hotter. With that in mind, my outfit consisted of blue jean shorts, black fishnet top underneath a black crop top. I barely wear crop tops so this is an out going look for me.

Next, i picked out some black nike air force ones, gold neckless and gold rings. For my makeup, I decided to not go too heavy because I'd sweat it off anyways but went dramatic with the eyes.

(Not even joking, i look this eye look 😂)

After 2 hours of getting ready i was finished, so i hopped down the stairs and into the Lounge to find Alex and tommy.

"Im ready!" I say excitedly, as Adapt turned his camera in me.

"Looking good." He compliments me, i put my tongue out and cock my hair to the side, feeling cute.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Anyways, we're pulling out in Tommy's car. You, me, Lucas, Roman and (y/n)." Alex tells his vlog as my eyes wander over to the love sack to see Roman sitting in a chair... on the love sack. "Roman is still asleep right now so i guess we gotta..."

Alex hands the camera to me so i can film them picking up chairs and lobbing them at Roman. I burst out laughing, "omg, that was so funny."

Suddenly, Roman chucks the chairs back at Tommy and Alex. Yelping, i duck out of the way until Roman chases after me, "hey, i only filmed! I only filmed!" I yelled quickly as i raced into the other lounge room (soon to be Barry's room) and tried to climb up the wall and into the room with the long table where Faze meetings are held. He grabbed me before I could clamber over the wall and threw me over his shoulder whilst I squealed.

"Yo roman, are you ready to go?" Alex asks, laughing at my deadpan facial expression, I'm not amused.

"Bruh, I'm already ready." He says, they both do their thing where they stick out their tongues and go "errrr" whilst wiggling making me laugh.

Eventually, we made it outside with the squad and I was let down to the safety of the floor. "Hey." I giggle as Roman smacked my butt after he put me down.

"I couldn't help it." He says, everyone in the house smacks my butt, I don't really mind to be honest as long as there isn't a red hand print on my butt. That hurts.

Rolling my eyes, I climbed into Tommy's car and of course I'm in the middle back seat. This is what I hate about living in a house with a group of guys; I'm always in the back squished. At least I'm never the one to go in the boot of the car because I'm a lady, poor Frazier has that job. We jammed out to rappers until we got to the venue. It was day 3 so tonight was the last night of the festival which meant all the big artist were performing.

Alex had to sneak his camera in and succeeded. "Aye, Matt." Alex yelled to a person who looked like Justin Bieber. Turns out that basically everyone from the clout house was here and even some other social media friends...this group isn't going to stay together, we'll probably split into four separate groups.

"Oh hey, who's this?" He smirks at me.

"I'm (y/n), nice to met ya." I smile, bringing him into a hug.

"Matt Espinosa." He introduces himself, that rings a bell. Is he famous? Of course he is, why would he hang out with us if he wasn't.

"I recognize the name." I say, realizing that Banks is here as well.

"I used to be a viner and hanged around with Cameron Dallas." He tells me casually. My inner fangirl is emerging, hold onto your hats.

"Shut the front door! You're friends with Cameron Dallas?" I ask which he answers to as a nod. "He was my celebrity crush for ages." I giggle.

"(Y/n), stopping being such a fangirl." Adapt laughs at me, "say hello to everyone, they're asking where you are."

"Nice talking to you Matt, see ya lighter." I say before squeezing through the bodies to Banks, my best friend.

"Hey big buddy." I greet Banks, normally we would go for a hug but Alissa is dating him so I don't want to get in the way, plus Alissa is hilarious and I want to become friends with her. I think we would get along. I fist bumped Banks.

"What's up little chummy." He laughs, I'm not sure how this greeting came around but we've doing it ever since we met.

"Nothing much, is Alissa here? I really want to meet her." I ask him, he points over to a tall blonde girl who's talking to Rice behind Banks. Once again, I squeeze through the crowds muttering excuse me as I go.

"Hey guys." I start, I've already met Ricegum a few timed before when I went to the clout house or when he came over to the Faze house.

"Ayye (y/n)!" He shouts, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Rice. Hey Alissa, we haven't met before." I say, facing her. " I'm (y/n) if didn't already know." I introduce myself.

"Hey, are you British?!" She asks.

"Yeah, is my accent that strong?" I laugh.

"Yeah, it's cute though." She tells me, smiling. "One day you need to do my makeup because yours is bomb."

"Awe thanks, next time I'm in the clout house we'll hang out and I'll do it anyways, I'm gonna say hi to some people, see ya later." I tell her, a friendship already blooming.

"See ya round." She waves to me before I leave.

As I make my way back to Alex, someone grabs my arm and spins me round to face them. "Nick!" I exclaim, hugging him tightly. Another close friend I've made.

"Hey (y/n), I haven't seen you in a while." He complains, still holding me.
"I haven't seen you in a month, it isn't that long." I giggle. Music booming though the air mixing with chatter, I was right. Its boiling.

"Yeah but still. Anyways, I want you to meet someone." He pulls me through the crowd towards a guy wearing a stussy T-shirt and a white cap, his beard was well groomed and kept. "This is Shaun, Shaun this is (y/n)."

"Hiya, you alright?" (Apparently, this is a British thing we do that Americans find weird?)

"Hey, you're a long way from home." He chuckles.

"Wow, my accent isn't that strong is it?" I ask over the blaring music and the bass that vibrated my bones.

"Probably not, when you're surrounded by Americans saying 'omg, let's go shopping' and then finally hearing someone from back home is noticeable." He explains, impersonating an American accent making me giggle.

"Hey, we don't sound like that." Nick retorts, I feel so small amongst this group because they're all so tall.

"Sure you don't mate." I tell him.

Word count: 1215

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