day and night part 2

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We decided to get out the crowded area that we were in because too many fans were gathering round us and caused a scene. We really won't want to get kicked out of this concert. So Nikan, Alex, Banks, Nick, Matt, Tommy, Rice and i wandered for a while until we came across an open space.

"These sound effects." Alex stated as Banks danced around and pretend to punch Nikan in the face then Ar-k-o him. "Oh Ar-k-o the big guy."

"I have nothing to do except laugh at him." Nikan said. Unfortunately, Nick bent down to tie his shoe so Banks came up behind him and acted like he was humping him.

"My eyes." I exclaimed, shielding them as Nick 'ohhed' in response making me laugh.

"What in the world?" Matt muttered, these guys are nuts. I wonder what its like to live in the clout house (i might do a imagine/story about moving in or living there) there is probably never a normal day in that mad house.

"Teawap aged restrict it, blur it out."  Rice commented, scratching his head. More people started to join us that we lost when we were on the move away from the crowd.

"Yo, teawaps gonna blur out you fucking nick in the ass." Alex laughs, telling Banks.

"Thank god thr children cant see that." Matt added before nick told teawap to cut it out. I'm giggling away at these lot. Have they already started on the alcohol? I thought we were saving that until we got to our stand.

We decided that we're gonna go see 21 savage perform but as we start to walk, Russ walks by! "Yo, guys. Russ just walked by." I tell them, Alex probably got it on camera.

"Hey (y/n), whens the next time your at the clout house?" Matt asks me  walking along side.

"Uhh, i think this weekend? I have a club near the house wanting me to play for them." I answer. (I will have another chapter/story about that)

"You're a DJ? Thats so cool, you can get me into clubs for free?" Matt gets excited, i mean I could but I've never tried.


"Aye Roman! 21 savage is about to go on!" I hyped myself up.

"Yo, we're about to get lit!" Trapman says, i did promise him that we'll trap out together tonight and im keeping my promise.

"Hold up, im just stunting on my ex bitch!" I rap along with Roman, dancing a little.

"Hold up, im just flexin on my ex bitch." Roman raps the next line, showing his rolex.

"Fuck a wedding ring, i brought a necklace. Diamonds got the flu, try not to catch this." I shouted the next line.

"I left that hoe alone becuase she was ratched. All these bitches salty coz they can't stand me." As Roman raps the next line, Alex films us mucking around.

Throughout 21 Savage's set, we travel around to get food but me and Roman loose the rest of the guys so us two just stick together. The sun has set and theres not signal in this festival so once you loose someone, your not likely to find them. "Roman! Hey, Roman!" Someone shouts, right now, me and Roman are getting lit. "(Y/n)!" I look in the direction the voice came from, it was Alex! Shawn and Blake were there too, as well as  Nikan and Tommy.

When me and Roman were on our trapping sesh, we came across vodka along the way. Not naming names but a certin two people might be a bit too lit. "For god sake guys, you better not be drunk." Alex scolds us as Roman does something weird that i don't see but it makes Alex laugh.

"I am not drunk." I shout slowly, giggling.

"You're gonna stay by my side so you don't do any dumb shit, got it?" Alex instructs me.

"Ugh fine Daddy... Alex." I grin at myself. (She said this as if she was saying "ugh fine dad" becuase he was bossing her around)

(30 minutes earlier)

"Roman you drink from it first, i don't want to be one whos gonna get poisoned." I encourage him to drink the Smirnoff we brought off of someone. It doesn't say if you cant drink alcohol here so i don't see why not buy it off of someone because we forgot to bring it.

"Ugh fine, only because you're a pussy." He tells me, gulping down a shot as if it was nothing. Tonight I'm gonna control myself but we always know that its never the case.

"Am not. I don't wanna be the first to try incase the Guy's trying to drug us or kill us." I argue.

Roman rolls his eyes at me, " just drink it." I take one gulp and the drink burns my throat making me cringe, normally I'd mix it with something but that isn't an option. "Its not drugged dumbass."

I take another shot of the alcohol before giving the bottle back to the rapper. "let's just find the others before kendrick comes on." I tell him, grabbing his hand and dragging him through crowds and into an open area. "Hey! Save some for me!" I yell, hes already drunken  half the bottle. I try to get the vodka but Roman holds it up so i cant reach. "Ha ha, very funny."

"you're so fucking small." He tells me as if i don't already know this. I continue to jump up and reach the bottle but failed and gave up.

"I'm smaller than you so im closer to hell." I state.

"Fucking hell, alright." He mutters, slightly startled at my response and gives me the bottle.

"Thank you." I answer innocently, drinking the burning liquor.

( back to present time)

We had found mostly everyone else that we came with and went to a booth that was raised above the ground at the back of the concert.

"I got loyalties and loyalties inside my DNA!" I rap along with Alex.

"We need to be on (y/n) level right now." Matt points at me. Im currently bouncing on the couch screaming lyrics drunkenly. Quite a comical sight if I'm going to be honest.

"Lets get LIT!" Alex yells and our group screams, alcohol passed out everywhere and soon everyone was screaming lyrics and dancing just like me.

"Aye, drakes up now." I say to Alex.

"The first song coming up is bitch dont kill my vibe. Im calling it. Bitch don't kill my vibe." Tommy calls on it. The first cords of the song plays and turns out Tommy was correct.

"What the fuck?" Me and Alissa exclaim at the same time then we laugh.


It is 2am and the day and night had finished so everyone started to leave. "Theres so much trash everywhere." Alex points out.

"Oh look, its team 10." I say quietly, making Alissa laugh.

"Its all the members right here." Alissa adds on, the floor was littered in trash.

"They got poter potties! That shits insane." Alex shouts drunkenly, everyone starts running towards them. "Whos tryna go on stage real quick?"

"I will." Alissa piped up, Banks was giving her a piggy back.

"Yo, im down." I say and we start running towards the Stage. We're one of the last people to leave the arena so we don't have to push through anyone. Before we could get near the stage a security guard stopped us.

"(Y/n) Get on my shoulders." Alex said, bending down so i could climb on. I have a bad idea about this, a drunk girl on a drunk guys shoulders is definitely going to end wrong.

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