Chapter 16

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* Ana's POV *

I was walking with the boy who practically saved my life a bit ago. I wanted to go somewhere to clean up his cuts and bruises. Now that we were walking and as we passes down the side walks and I got to see his facial features.. I'm not gonna lie he looked really attractive but a bit older than me.. I stayed starting at him, noticing every single detail about him.

He looked and saw I was staring and smiled. "what?" he said. I blushed but looked away so he wouldn't see ." nothing I just couldn't see what you looked like earlier." he laughed. "so what's your name? " he asked. "Ana" I replied. "what about yours." I looked back at him. "Samuel, but you can call me Sam" he shrugged his shoulders.

We kept waking for a by more in silence, not an awkward silence but a good silence. I then stoped and he stoped infront of me. "thank you " I said. "for.." He spoke confused. "for saving me" I said seriously. "I wasn't gonna leave a beautiful girl like you get hurt." he smiled. I blushed even more.

We then walked up a drive way and into a house. He switched the lights on and I couldn't believe what I saw.. his house was just.. "huge I know.." he sighed. He walked forward and so I followed. We walked into a kitchen, it was a nice kitchen. ( lol I didn't know what to write ) He leaned against the counter and just looked at me. I gave him a blank look.

He laughed." your the one who wanted to come remember?" I giggled a bit "oh yeah." I got some paper towels and set them down next to him. "Uh we're the first aid kit?" I was gonna need more than just paper towel.. "it's down the corner to your left in a cabinet in te bathroom." I have no clue what he said but looks like it's time for an adventure.

I luckily found my way to te bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit. I walked back to te kitchen and sat on the counter. I opened up the first aid kit and pulled out a cloth and wet it. I motioned Sam to come over so I can clean his cuts. I opened up my legs a little bit to be able to have room for him and it felt a little weird at first but I went with it.

Every time I would touch a cut or bruise he would flinch and I felt really bad. It was my fault.. if i haven't ran away in the first place maybe he wouldn't have gotten hurt... After I finished cleaning him up he sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to me to sit down. "We barley know eachother... so how old are you?" he asked. "I'm turning 14 in a few weeks. and you?" "I hurt turned 16 2 weeks ago." I noded ." in that case happy late birthday!" he laughed.

* Sam's POV *

"Hahaha" I laughed with her. Well I have honestly nothing to say than wow... she's so gorgeous.. i was broken out of my thoughts when i felt h er lean her head on my shoulder and yawn. " here follow me" i said as i carring up the stairs. "where are we going??" she asked. " To sleep" I replied. "no no it's fine I should get going back anyways" she sighed. " Uh no not after what just happend." I spoke concernly. "Ugh fine." she gave up. Once I got into my room I set her on my bed and fixed her up in the covers. "I'll sleep down stairs , you sleep up here." I smiled. She shook her head. "you sleep here I'll sleep down stairs." she said and I laughed. "no stay here haha" she giggled a bit. Damn she was irrisitable. "Alright good night" I smiled as I started heading out the door. "wait Sam!" she shouted. I turned around. "yeah?" she smiled. "thank you." she said and ran up and hugged me. I didn't know what to do at first but then I hugged her back. "No worries , now go to bed missy." I said pointing to the bed. She rolled her eyes. "night!" and with that I went down stairs.


"Ana... Ana?! ANA WAKE UP PLEASE!?!?" I screamed to the wonder less body laying in the middle of the road all bruised up with cuts and blood..." please.." I whispers to my self as tears rolled down my cheek. I shook her one more time. "Ana.." then I couldn't take it I started sobbing. She looked useless.. None of this would have happend if I didn't leave her.. I picked her up and laid her in my arms. "I'm- s- so s- sorry t-his happ-end t-o you..." I cried uncontrollably..

I planted a kiss on her head , my tears slipping down on to her face..

"I love you.."


Hold up I already know...






Find out next update

Thank you guys so much for almost 17 I I love you so much and I'm such a bad person cause I never update but I didn't have time I'm supper busy with school and volleyball and poop and ugh but here yah go and I'll try TRY to update later this week love you all stay beautiful


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