Sweetest Bitch You'll Ever Meet

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Sweetest Bitch You'll Ever Meet

“Bye Brat” my older brother Trevor said teasingly as he ruffled my hair.

“I’m 16! I am not a brat!” I said faking anger and went to punch him in the stomach but he quickly caught it as usual.

“Tomorrow we’ll work on your right hook” he said with a smile. He was teaching me how to fight.

“Alright, but you will have a bruise!” I stated and then we both started laughing.

He brought me into a hug and then we released each other. I smiled at him as he jumped into his friend’s jeep. He was going away for the weekend and I was going to miss him. As they pulled away from the house he leaned out and looked at me with a big smile and waved.

I waved back with a huge smile on my face.

Then a loud crashing noise came and I flinched back. But soon I opened my eyes and ran towards the jeep and felt the tears running down my cheeks. A blue pick-up truck had rammed into the side of the jeep my brother was on.

I had reached it in a matter of seconds and saw the thick crimson pouring out of the truck. My brother’s friend got out of the drivers by just throwing himself out. He looked like he had a few broken bones and cuts but he would heal fast because we were all werewolf’s.

But by the amount of blood I saw, I knew my brother was gone. He was going to be gone forever.

I fell to my knees and broke down crying over the loss of my best friend, my brother and a piece of my heart withered away at that moment.

“Scarlett!” I heard my teacher’s stern voice.

I snapped my head out of my day dream and stared up at him “yes?” I asked.

“You were off in space AGAIN” he said angrily.

“I’m sorry” I mumbled.

“Don’t let it happen again or next time I will send you to the principal’s office” he stated.

I nodded “yes sir” I muttered and when he turned his back I mocked him.

I sighed; I missed my brother every day. I was 16 then and now I just turned 18 a month ago.

Soon enough I was off into another depressing memory.

I walked out of my room and headed down stairs. I had locked myself in my room for two weeks since my brother died. I saw dad rushing around the kitchen in his suit.

“Hey dad” I said shyly.

“Hey” he said quickly and poured coffee into a to-go cup “I’m leaving for business; be home in about two weeks” he stated.

My chaw dropped “you’re leaving?” I asked.

“Yeah” he stated coldly.

“Where’s mom?” I asked.

“She left a week ago” he stated in an emotionless voice.

“When is she coming back?” I asked.

“Never she couldn’t stand the memories of Trevor so she just picked up and left” he stated coldly.

“Oh dad I am so sorry” I stated.

“I have to go. There’s money on the counter good bye” he called as he walked away from me and then I heard the slam of the front door.

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