6: The Morning After Consequences

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Chapter 6: The Morning After Consequences

I woke up with a loud groan. I pulled the blankets closer to my body but something didn’t feel right. I opened my eyes and I wasn’t in my bedroom. This wasn’t my bed.

And someone was moving beside me.

It couldn’t be Alex could it? Last I remember was being with Alex on the couch and his hand… Oh god what have I done!?!

“Babe calm down you feel tense” I heard a deep muffled voice. They reached out and pulled me into their chest.

I knew it wasn’t Alex just by the touch. I closed my eyes and basked in the calmness of his beating heart.

Then I perked up and looked down at Ash who had his eyes closed “We have School!” I announced and started pounding on to his chest “get up!” I stated.

In a swift movement he grabbed my wrists and flipped us over. He was in between my knees and was holding my wrists beside my head. He wore a devilish grin.

“What you’re not begging for me like you were last night?” he asked.

“I was what-” I started but was cut off by loud banging on the door “Ash you have to get up, I won’t let you sleep all day!” someone’s voice carried past the door.

“Alright father dearest” he yelled back.

The door instantly opened “why did you call me-” he started but stopped when he saw me.

I gave him a small smile and he raised an eyebrow “Hello Scarlett” he said.

“Hello Alpha” I said in a small voice.

“Well… you kids have fun” he said before walking out and shutting the door. He must hate me to leave me alone with his son!

“Now where were we?” Ash said leaning down.

“Right about here” I stated before kneeing him the stomach.

It didn’t hurt him because he was Alpha and I was weak, he laughed and rolled off me.

I groaned “we have to get to school” I said and jumped out of the bed.

Ash grabbed the T-shirt I was wearing and pulled me back down on the bed “no stay, we should talk” he stated.

I looked down and I was wearing his shirt and his boxers “why am I in your clothes?” I asked.

“Because your clothes were kind of ripped off” he stated with a smile.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped “we… we… we…” was all I seemed able to repeat.

He chuckled “no we didn’t” he stated and I let out a breath of relief “but you were begging” he stated smugly.

“I was not!” I stated.

“Yes you were… but I wouldn’t take you in that state and then we fell to a compromise” he said and a smile came to his face and his eyes unfocused as if he were remembering something.

“What… what compromise?” I asked although I wasn’t sure I want to know.

“Well you gave me a blowj-”

“I don’t want to hear anymore!” I shrieked.

He chuckled and grabbed his phone off the bedside table flipping it open “by the way its 11:30 in the afternoon. You are not going to school” he stated.

“You can’t keep me here” I argued.

His hands landed on my waist pushing it further into the bed “you want to make me?” he asked huskily in my ear. It sent a shiver down my spine. His lips were bliss against my neck.

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