9: My World Crumbles Again

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Chapter 9: My World Crumbles Again

“Good morning my love” he whispered into my ear.

A smile spread across my face “Good morning baby” I replied and opened my eyes to see Ash hovering over me. The last week has been great. I have been getting stronger and so has my relationship with Ash. I have to say I am really starting to love this whole mate thing.

“Do you know what tonight is?” he asked.

“Our big date!” I cheered and he chuckled.

“Well I am glad you are excited, now let’s get out of this bed” he said happily.

I giggled “I have to have a shower first” I stated.

“Can I come?” he asked with a wink.

I shook my head and smiled at him brushing my hand down the side of his face “Nope” I said popping the ‘p’. I was still a virgin and un-marked because he wanted to wait for tonight. Apparently everything is going to be special and I don’t think anything less.

I hoped out of bed, grabbed my clothes and then went to the bathroom.

I walked down stairs looking around for Ash. I wore a pair of jeans and a simple black hoodie. I had on dark make-up as usual and had my hair down. I stumbled into the kitchen and found only Alex with his back to me.

“Hey Alex” I said cheerfully. I haven’t seen him in a few days, but was happy to see him now.

He turned to face me “hey” he said softly.

I gasped and ran over to him. He was extremely pale and had dark rims under his eyes. He looked like a total mess and his posture was totally slouched “what happened to you?” I asked softly and ran my hand down the side of his face.

He brushed my hand away “don’t touch me” he stated. He sounded so broken, so alone, so regretful.

“Alex what’s wrong?” I asked.

“I just haven’t gotten much sleep… or eaten that much” he admitted.

“Why? Come on let me make you something” I stated and started rushing around the kitchen.

His abrupt “no” stopped me and I turned to stare at him “Scar, I am so sorry” he mumbled and I saw the glistening on his cheeks from tears.

I was really worried now. I got to him quickly and whipped his cheeks with my sleeves “There is nothing to be sorry about Alex” I stated.

He nodded “I messed up your whole life” he admitted shaking his head.

Why is he saying all this? “No Alex Shhh what’s going on?” I asked softly.

“I can’t take the guilt” he stated shaking his head.

I pulled him over to a chair and sat him down. I kneeled in front of him “Shhh calm down” I said softly.

He shook his head “no Scar I-I need to tell you” he stated and his cheeks were covered in water.

“What is it Alex?” I whispered starring at his closed eyes as he shook his head.

“I was young… it-it was an accident… so much blood… I-I was… was driving you-your brother that day” he got out.

Understanding washed over me. He-he was Trevor’s friend the one driving. The-the day he died.

“I am so sorry Scar” he stated shaking his head and covered his face with his hands.

I got up and ran to my room. I fell face first on to my bed. The streaks of tears already covering my face. I knew I couldn’t blame Alex for it, it was an accident but I just- I just need some time away from him.

What I really need is my mate.

I went to grab the blankets so I could inhale his scent but instead found a piece of paper. I picked it up and looked at it. I could barely read it with the water in my eyes and the sore feeling in my chest but somehow I managed.


Going to take care of last minute things for our date, be back at 8.

Ash xoxoxo

I through the note on to the floor and grabbed the blanket and curled into bed. A little bit of my sadness went away because I was surrounded by his scent but it wasn’t nearly enough.

Ash wasn’t here to comfort me so I would just have to manage.

After a long time, I finally ran out of tears to cry. I heard Ash’s foot-steps; I could always tell when they were Ash’s. I got out of bed as the door opened and Ash appeared. I through myself into him but he didn’t wrap his arms around me.

I pulled back a little looked up at his confused face with a twinge of anger.

“Ash?” I spoke quietly.

“Get your hands off of me you emo fucking freak!” he spat with venom.

I instantly let him go as his words split into me “But… but Ash?” I asked confused.

“Get out of my room you fucking whore!” he spat and shoved me from his room. It wasn’t hard but enough to get me out the door. I stood there facing him.

“But-but we’re mates” I stated starring into his cold eyes. I felt mine burning with the thought of tears. No I wouldn't cry in front of him! I wouldn't cry then and I won't cry now!

“Well I reject you. Again!” he stated in anger and slammed the door in my face.

Something in me just snapped. I fell the floor and cried out in pain. I curled into a ball but the fire running through me felt like it was burning me alive.

“Scar” I heard someone say in horror before I was lifted off the ground. I stayed curled in a ball but looked up just enough to see Alex carrying me frantically.

Then I had to shut my eyes from the pain. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t scream out but soon tasted blood.

Then I passed out.

What do you think happened to Ash?

What do you think is/will happen to Scar?

What about Alex?

Questions… questions… questions…

P.S sorry for the short chapter again! But this was full of stuff so I think it makes up for the shortness.

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