Chapter 5 Part 1

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Heat wafted from my rock, melting the last remnants of winter. I hugged my knees to my chest and closed my eyes as warmth seeped into my bones. What was I thinking running out of the manor without a cloak? Get away, find a safe place to think. Freezing never crossed my mind until I saw my rock shrouded in ankle deep snow. A little magic and the rock was red hot with steam rising off it with snow melt puddling around it like a pond.

How could I counter Grandfather without knowing his entire plan and the contingencies? Sure, the listening seals I secreted around his study would capture everything he told Joel and David, but they were almost as ensnared as I was. He'd never tell them his entire plan. It wasn't in his nature. He'd tell them whatever he thought they'd find most palatable, even if it wasn't his end goal.

Joel's magic exploded from the manor - a churning maelstrom, blood red in its fury. It swept down the hill towards the river and enveloped me. I could taste his rage on my tongue, but I felt oddly safe. As if it wasn't directed at me, but on my behalf.

A bitter smile flitted across my lips. So he wasn't always calm and collected. I liked his magic better this way. It felt more real, less forced. Still, his anger didn't bode well for anyone, particularly Grandfather. Questing strands of my magic slipped through Joel's shroud and entered the manor where I quickly located Grandfather, Manfred, and David, who wasn't as calm as the other two. I touched Manfred's mind.

Invisible fingers squeezed my hand then an image of Grandfather sipping tea at his desk flashed through my mind followed by David. David had his shoes off, head tilted back over the edge of the chair with a cooling cup of tea clutched in his hands. Confirmation that Joel left before he lost his temper.

A twig snapped. I raised my head and stared into the woods. A head covered in black feathers bobbed through the trees. Joel, I realized after double-checking his magical signature, in a Gryphon half-state. I wondered if he lost control and shifted or if he did it intentionally. Given the sleet that still clung to the trees, warmth probably played a role.

He entered the clearing and froze when he spotted me perched on my rock. Hands clenched into fists, his magic boiled around us as he pulled it back inside his body and shifted back into his human form. The maelstrom stilled. The anger was still present, but his magic no longer lashed out as if seeking to destroy something or someone. Impressive control. Even Endellion wasn't that good. She was hard to rile, but her rage didn't stop until she found an target, usually Uncle Manfred. He and Endellion were always at each others throats.

"You forgot this." Joel held out my bracelet.

"Thanks," I whispered, extending my hand. The bracelet slipped from his fingers and landed in the palm of my hand. My skin tingled as the power arrays switched from using my ambient magic to my internal magic. It wasn't necessary. The seals would hold as long as I lived, but internal arrays drew more magic. The constant drain helped me maintain some control. "Grandfather?" I asked as I fastened the clasp.

"Senile," he said tersely. "Yes, let's put the woman who's already invented her own seals and summoned the strongest gate in existence at age six in the academy with teachers who can barely handle a guardian-less training gate. Brilliant idea! Don't know why I never thought of it." Gnashing his teeth, he gestured wildly towards the manor. "By the gates, you had your hand buried in the new dean's chest not six hours ago. How can anyone think this is a good idea?" Hands clasped behind his back, he paced back and forth. "What's worse, I can't stop this madness," he said, flinging his hand towards the manor, "because the Seven can only recommend people for the academy. We can't prevent someone from entering. That's between their parents and the Teaching Corps."

"You do realize my parents are dead, right?"

Joel rounded on me. "That's the problem. Your guardianship falls to Mitchel. A normal person would see sense, not him. Once he's committed to a course of action, no matter how insane or risky it is, the only way to change his mind is to beat sense into him."

"That would kill him," I said in a steely tone. Joel paused and nodded once. Message understood. Anyone who tried to harm my grandfather would share Jon's fate even if I died in the process.

Head tilted, he regarded me thoughtfully. Aura flashing with greens, yellows, whites, and reds as if he couldn't decide between anger, fear, and sadness. Then the colors dissipated like smoke carried away by the wind and settled into his usual pattern. Stoic, almost too calm, making me wonder if his calm was real or feigned. "Spar with me," he said abruptly.

I blinked. "Why?"

"Because," dandelion-colored flecks danced around his head, "I have an idea."

"Which is?"

"A possible way around both Mitchel and the Dracon Clan. It will also protect Endellion," he said as if sensing my reluctance. I silently cursed Grandfather. What other secrets did he reveal? Did Joel know about Martha, my summons, training, the incident? Anger lanced through me. White hot fury unhampered by logic. My secrets weren't Grandfather's to share. How dare he!

"Easy," Selim whispered in my mind. "Mitchel didn't do this to hurt you."

I glared at a tree. "How much did you know?"

"Very little. Joel-dae passed through me to get to Vinetta, but I didn't know why. Suspected though, especially when he summoned me during our conversation. He's trustworthy."

I scoffed. "Selim, he challenged me to a spar. We both know how that could end." Ice trickled down my spine. Mated to a man I barely knew, magic permanently suppressed, forever under his control. No!

"Not with him. Never with him. Joel finds mating challenges abhorrent. Under certain circumstances and if he believed he had your prior consent, he might be willing. During a simple spar with a girl he just met? Never. Terry wouldn't hesitate. Caed would intentionally challenge you. Joel won't. Sparring is your choice, but the more you show him the more options you will have."

Left unsaid was that I needed options. 


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