Chapter 13 Part 2

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"You said originally," I said, stomach twisting in knots as I imagined dozens of ways Grandfather could still force the issue. "Who?"

"There are several daes your age powerful enough to temporarily balance your magic. Most notably, Caed-dae, the Shedu War Chief and Joel's unofficial apprentice. Heir to both the Pundarikam and the Shedu clans and a ferepris, he looked good on paper."

Pausing, he drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair. The steady click of his claws grated on my nerves. I glared at his hand. It stilled.

He sighed. "Endellion's master Brennus warned us years ago that a life bond may not be optional for you."

I nodded. "He told me the same."

"Gates are the ultimate observers of history, and they often share their memories with their bonders. Most bond with the first gate they summon. No one knows what will happen when you bond with the Ancient Gate. Endellion claims she never acquired memories from the Dracon Gate, but Sumati contends the Dracon Gate wasn't Endellion's choice. If her magic fought the bond, a conclusion supported by both her cousin and Rainer's journals, I do not believe the gate could have shared its memories if it wanted to."

Head cocked, my gaze roamed over his face, memorizing each crag and line and the crooked twist of his lips. This was new information. Within my family, no one spoke of their life bond with the gates. "Sounds reasonable," I said, "but yours did."

He nodded. "Manfred acquired a thousand years worth of memories over a century where I acquired four millennia worth in a week. My mind nearly shattered. Without Manfred anchoring me, it would have." Shoulders shaking, he visibly steeled himself. "I'm not saying it will be like that for you. I bonded with Marstallis, which was badly damaged during both the first and second wars and remade twice."

Cold claws reached inside my guts and twisted. Horrified, I stared at him. "That gate's insane. It doesn't even remember its own gender! Its sole guardian doesn't know his name."

Steel entered his voice. "When they learned my magic called to Marstallis, Asha offered me my choice of gates. Joel's skilled enough to force a bond, she said. I chose Marstallis. I knew and accepted the risks."

Magic boiled under my skin like lava as I wrestled with my anger. Asha let him risk his sanity, life, everything that made him a person. When he picked the riskiest option, she allowed it. Yet, he wouldn't extend me a similar courtesy. He wouldn't even hear me out when I tried explaining my seal's inner-workings.

"The first gate is older," he said ", significantly more powerful, and has never suffered an attack largely because its protector guardians," my mind substituted Endellion, "killed anyone fool enough to summon it. We thought you would look within your own age group because that is what Vinetta finds culturally acceptable. We incorrectly assumed you would follow Vinetta's social mores because your parents and grandparents did."

"My grandparents died before I was born. I was barely two months old when my father followed my mother. I don't remember them. Why would I share their values when I was raised by you?"

"And Martha." I shot him a dirty look. "A foolish assumption in hindsight. My point, Alannah, is that mating is for life. Even if you choose to share your partner with others, once the mating bond forms, it can only be broken by death. We never mentioned Caed because we didn't want to influence your choice. Manfred and I found happiness together. We want the same for you. In the end, I'm glad we never mentioned him. I've heard things over the last few days that imply he isn't presently a good match for anyone."

"Terry called him the brat and said he goes through women like socks. Joel didn't correct him."

"He also got himself, Joel's official apprentice Luis, and my replacement Mitra arrested last month."


"No idea. Joel said the boy talked himself into prison then nearly gave away the Shedu Gate trying to talk himself out."

No wonder Terry wasn't thrilled about testing Caed. Even minor gates like Vinetta's represent significant economic resources. Seals tied to their anchor points are the backbone of industries from fabric making to mining. Others protected key resources from invading armies. It's difficult to invade a world fifty people at a time.

Grandfather hummed to himself. "I should be pleased. It took three people to replace me, but I'd rather Mitra were more competent. Don't get me wrong. He's fair with a blade, and I hear his seals have improved. It's just," he paused and licked his lips.

"Each anchor point is a war zone," he said several minutes later, "even ones for gates maintained by our allies. You treat them as such or they become your grave. The patrols are handled by either Joel or Terry because they are proven army killers, the fist inside the velvet glove. Their partner is the glove and should take the softer approach. That is why I never suggested you sit Terry's exam." He sliced his hand through air. "I do not doubt your abilities, Alannah. You could have passed his exam at fifteen. Albeit not in such a spectacular a fashion. I didn't recommend you because you will never be a velvet glove. Peacekeeping, despite your best efforts, is simply against your nature. You can't sit at a negotiating table and make concession after concession anymore than Joel or Terry can."

"Joel did," I reminded him, "so did Endellion, Sumati, and Rainer."

"Under circumstances more horrible than either of us can comprehend, Joel did. It eats at him to this day. Endellion, Sumati, and Rainer were equals on the battlefield. It was also more an alliance against their respective councils than a negotiation. Out of all the possible candidates, you are the person least suited to being Terry's apprentice. That said you have my full support."

I blinked. What? "But you said - "

"Let me finish," he said softly. "You are a sealer of unprecedented ability. At fifteen, you created a keyed ambient magic power array that allows any seal to work on Vinetta, including our strongest wards. Your seal draws magic not from the environment or a sealer's core, but from the magic every sealer naturally emits. Such a seal was deemed impossible by all your predecessors, including Endellion, Joel, and Saar - three of the best sealers ever born. For that reason alone, you belong with the Seven. Add in your sword arm and the only thing standing between you and a seat is experience, which you can't get here."

"So you're okay with this?"

Grandfather turned. In the dim light, he looked haggard with his face pinched and eyebrows knitted together. As he examined me, his purple aura shifted to a crimson base with white clan markings as if in mourning.

"No," he whispered. "I'm terrified that I will find your death notice in my evening mail. Everything I've done, I did to keep you away from the madness a little longer. I never challenged Martha's sham of a marriage because doing so required involving either my clan or the Border Guard. When your position in her household became untenable, I bought her off then cast an illusion over her house to make the townspeople believe you still lived with her. When your instincts demanded more independence, I enrolled you in the conservatory against Endellion's wishes."

"Sometimes I wonder why they dubbed her the Bloody instead of the Great Worrier. She teleported into my dorm room every night for six months, nearly drove me crazy."

"After the other night, I wish I hadn't persuaded her to stop. A brothel, really?"

Watch for Joel's data card next week!

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