Chapter 7 Part 2

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I froze. "I wasn't–"

Joel flexed his fingers, digging the tips into my chin. "Do not lie. I checked with your instructors. Other than orchestra practice, you haven't attended a single class in the last year. You only show up for the exams. How long before you dropped the act and disappeared?"

"Do you know what happens when your magic spikes while you're suppressing it? It's like flood waters hitting a dam. The dam breaks and everything pours out–both the flood and whatever that dam held back. My magic spikes randomly. At Fecked Mick's, I feed it to the gates while everyone dances a few sets, it ends, and everyone's perfectly safe. Sitting in a classroom with a pencil, no outlet," I shook my head. "I would poison half the school before I got control over myself. Thousands would die all because Grandfather thought I should be kept occupied least I ensure my own survival!"

Cursing under his breath, Joel gnashed his teeth and bared his fangs. "That pigheaded fool." He rounded on me. "Not you. Where were Endellion and Manfred during all this?"

"Uncle Manfred pulled the conservatory rules. He's the one who pointed out that attendance isn't mandatory. Endellion," I shrugged. "Her seal failed during her transformation. Whether by design or an unknown flaw, it failed. Her aunt and uncle – Aunt Sumati's parents – died helping Endellion. Donovan spent a month in a healing coma. When the Pundarikam forced Aunt Sumati into a mating, there wasn't anyone left to defend her. Endellion's not rational when it comes to first transformations. I don't know the full details, but Tessa says Rainer bound Endellion's magic during Selim's. Add in her history with suppression seals." I swallowed hard.

"I'm surprised Endellion didn't bind your magic the moment you mentioned using one. Back to the matter at hand, an apprentice is a handpicked replacement. Most serve for life, but an heir contract limits the term."

"Joel, do you really want a lifetime sealer who doesn't fully support either the Dracon's Pact or the Marstallis Accords? I don't."

"You know I hated the pact from day one. Katia and I both made too many concessions to the clans. All the clans, not just the Dracon. We were desperate. My clan hovered on the brink of extinction. It had ever since we built the Central Keystone. The Dracon were arguably worse. Three plagues in ten years. They had no children and all we had left were children, so we negotiated a treaty and lured Saar into a trap. Katia summoned their clan gate, and I helped her imprison her own brother inside the seal. He's a guardian now." He sighed. "An heir contract only offers limited protection. Once your term's up, the Dracon will own you."

"Do you know why Donovan and the Dracon High Council betrayed Endellion? Because her and Rainer's child would most likely be an ancient Pundarikam. The histories say the second war started when Selim challenged Saar, but Selim tells a different story. He says it began during a closed negotiation over his and Katia's mating. Katia fell two points short of ferepris, but both her siblings were. Both sides wanted her children. Specifically, an ancient. Endellion swears the meeting happened. She also believes Saar and Rainer came to a private arrangement. Next thing anyone knows, Rainer's assassinated and Saar's personality completely changes.

"The clans will not allow an ancient to live outside their control. The instant they realize what I am they will either court me or send assassins for my head. Standard contracts are public. They specify birth name, clan, and magical power levels. They are also for life. Signing such a contract will start another clan war."

"Perhaps," he said after several minutes thought, "but that's not why you won't. You can't forgive us for Melantha."

I shrugged.

"Fifty years."

I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh. Fifty? Maybe I should ask if he'd had any head injuries lately. "Two."

"It will take longer than that to train you."

"Master sealer, remember?"

"Who doesn't know the first thing about our procedures, has never seen battle, and can't read guardian script."

"My personal journals are all written in guardian script. I even use it in seals. As for the procedures, Uncle Manfred processes paperwork for both your guardian administrator and Terry's. I've helped with it since I was fifteen."

"You're still green."

"I know. Uncle Manfred started giving me his memories a few years ago. It will help, but it's not the same thing."


"And planning sessions. Don't tell Grandfather or Endellion. They don't know. I asked him to after Selim mentioned it. Rainer gave him a few. He said it helped keep him alive."

"Twenty years."


"Apprenticeships average thirty years."

I snorted. "Terry's average six. Toss out the one who lasted ninety years, and they average three. One survived ninety years, another thirty two, and one lucky soul twenty-nine. The rest all died within the first years."

"Drowning because the brat was too stupid to remove his armor before jumping in a river doesn't count."

"It does when Terry's standing on the river bank."

"So was I. No one thought anyone would be that stupid."

"Which begs the question why Terry recruited him."

"Fine. Fifteen years."


"Ten and not a day less."

"Agreed. Now about my original seals," I said and twitched my left sleeve back, revealing my bracelet. "If a working prototype exists prior to the apprenticeship, they belong to me. If the Border Guard wishes to sell them or use them for their sealers, I'm certain we can come to an arrangement."

"Agreed, but I have final say over what you may and may not sell. We have enough espionage problems without your little buttons floating around."  


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