Chapter 9 Part 2

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"Nothing a healer can't repair."

"Then the rule should be no maiming."

"Nothing permanent," Joel said sharply. "For instance, a healer can reattach a limb, but not a head. Also, no repeats of the David incident. You have something else."

It wasn't a question, but I answered him anyway. "Several somethings. I can use seals, right?"

"Yes, but he'll have you on the ground before you can set them."

Humming under my breath, I passed Joel my sword. Magic leaped off my fingertips and seeped into a seal on my bracelet. A bump like a fish nibbling a baited hook. I reeled the magic back in. A dagger hilt materialized above the seal followed by the blade. It floated to my left palm, guided by seals I carved into the hilt. The same seals kept it from emerging blade first. I valued my fingers.

"Alannah," Joel said as I repeated the process, pulling my second dagger out of storage, "Terry'll gut you like a deer if you use those."

"Only if he catches me."

He grabbed my arm. His finger slipped through a gash in my tunic. Skin met skin. Emotions buffetted me. Desire overlayed by fear. "I forbid it."

"You are the proctor, not my mentor," I said, snatching my arm free. "Your job, Joel-dae, is to ensure both parties participate in this farce to the best of their abilities. He's right. I can't match him with a longsword. These," I ran my thumb down the blade, cutting myself. Blood and magic soaked into the seals etched down the blade, activating them. "Can."

Joel scoffed. "Then why haven't you used them during our morning spars?"

"Uncle Manfred and Endellion both forbade using them during spars."

"Fine. Don't blame me if he runs you through," he said then spun on his heel and stalked off. "Begin!"

I flashed my fangs at Terry, who still leaned against his boulder. He appeared relaxed and completely unconcerned with our spar. To him, I ranked somewhere between an ant and a garden snake on the threat scale.

"Such a waste of skin and magic," Terry said. His gaze raked over me, lingering on my chest and hips. He laughed. "Is that why you're so foolishly determined, child? Too boyish to attract a man?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joel raise his arm. "Quick question," I said before Joel signaled the start of round five. "Has anyone mentioned my family?"

"I don't care if your father is Saar himself. You either succeed on your own or not at all."

"Actually, I meant my uncle," I said. Magic pooled on the soles of my feet and leached into the earth where it connected with thousands of seals etched into the bedrock. Everything from war wards to intricate stone mazes to balance beams – all waiting inactive under our feet. "You see, Terry-dae, my mother taught me to obey the rules and play fair. A bit amusing really. She doesn't practice what she teaches. My uncle taught me a different lesson."

Joel's arm dropped.

"Only dead men fight fair," I said and twitched my right index finger. An invisible thread snapped. A rock wall shot up between us, blocking Terry from view. Another finger twitch. My body dissolved into my wraith as Terry's rock exploded.

I walked to the end of the wall and peeked around the corner. A small crater lay about where Terry's rock was. The edges shone like glass, but Terry was noticeably absent. An unintelligible roar sounded behind me. I dropped into a low stance as the ground froze beneath my feet. A sword swept towards my neck. I didn't bother stopping it. It passed through me without any resistance or pain.

Terry stumbled then blinked. Wild eyed, he looked between me and my personal wasteland. "What?" he whispered.

"About time you saw through the illusion."

We circled each other. I glided forward. Bemused, Terry sidestepped me, but made no effort to get away. Why should he? My wraith limited us both. He couldn't cut a ghost, but neither could I cut him.

I pressed forward, dancing through his sword strikes. My right blade slid under his ribs and into his lung. Then I materialized.

Horrified, Terry stared at the blade sticking out of his chest.

"Hold," Joel yelled. "Alannah, leave the blade."

Terry's magic flared. My left arm exploded in pain. A lilting melody filled my mind. Sure and quick, the music flowed through me. I reached for it as darkness overtook me. 


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