Chapter 13 Part 1

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Author's Note: 2,000 reads, really?! I'm still picking myself up off the floor. When I started posting this bout of insanity, I figured I'd be lucky if I got 200. I am overwhelmed by your support. Thank you!

Flames crackled in the brazier, casting shadows over the terrace. I laid back on the lounge and stared at the stars. Absently, I lifted my arm and traced the constellations.

The Three Mothers reigned over all. A dracon coiled at their feet. Legend says her daughter fell to earth, married a king, and founded my people. Of course Uncle Manfred says the dracon's really a gryphon. He'd hold his hand up beside mine and draw an imaginary beak.

I closed my eyes against the memory of Uncle Manfred's aura when he discovered what I did. Carmine stars over white fog with occasional bursts of orange: anger, fear, and disappointment. His emotions were so intense his base color disappeared. He gripped my shoulder and pulled me into a one-armed hug. Then he shot a glare at Endellion and Grandfather strong enough to smelt sentirus and stormed out. A few minutes later, I sensed him summon a gate and depart.

He still hadn't returned.

As for Terry, he spoke three words to me when I visited to fetch my dagger. "Remove it now." He left a few hours later. We didn't speak again.

Howls echoed in the inner recesses of my psyche. I grimaced and forced my attention back on the stars. Maybe if I kept my mind distracted and my body awake I wouldn't dream I was the Dracon Gate again. With my left arm still covered in violet seals that stretched from my shoulder to my elbow – a bone stabilizing under a bone growth surrounded by a number then a waterproofer – another injury was the last thing I needed.

Footsteps shuffled against the stone floor. I turned my head. Grandfather paused, white hair glowing in the fire light. A down blanket was wrapped around his shoulders. He nodded to me then resumed his slow steps towards the brazier. He stopped in front of it and warmed his hands.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Me neither. I miss the snoring." He chuckled softly. Joints creaking in protest, he lowered himself into a chair and settled the blanket over his lap. "It's funny. In the beginning, I lost countless hours sleep because Manfred snores louder than ten thousand men combined. Now, I can't sleep without it. I wonder what's keeping him."

"Perhaps, he just needs to cool off."

"That's you and Endellion, not Manfred." He reached over and patted my hand. "He'll return when he's able. I'll sleep then. However, I fear you're not out here waiting for a lover. Especially as I know yours is currently sleeping in my guest room on the opposite side of the manor."

"He's not my – "

He snorted. "I'm old, not blind. Give it time."

"Grandfather!" I said, acting scandalized. I should have expected this from him. When my old roommate Irene complained about Jacob Archer in his hearing, he suggested she, quote, either kiss the boy or find a fellow to parade in front of him.

"Shush," he said. "Always so serious. Let me have a little fun." The smile dropped off Grandfather's face. "Although Joel isn't who I would have picked, he's not a bad choice."

"Why not?" I asked rather than struggle with explaining my feelings. I wasn't sure I had them. Maybe this weird attraction between us was merely a byproduct of my maturing magic. Maybe Joel caused it to trick me into joining the Border Guard. Whatever it was I refused to act on it. I would not be controlled by anything or anyone, especially not my magic. I controlled my magic. It did not control me.

"Because I've watched countless young women chase after him over the years. Many broken hearts." He sighed. "Joel wasn't cruel about it, Alannah. He simply wasn't interested in what they had to offer. Don't get me wrong. The man's no blushing maiden. He had a few relationships during the time I served with him, but always casual. Both parties involved always knew that going in. Do you like him?"

My face heated. I ducked my head in embarrassment. "Maybe."

"Then maybe," he drawled, "you should explore whatever this is between you. All I ask is that you promise me whatever decision you make will be your own. Don't let anyone make it for you, not even me."

"I promise."

My gaze traveled from the mothers to the wayfarer. I mentally outlined his satchel, ending at the bottom right star. Vinettan sailors called it the sea star because it guided them. "I thought you'd tell me he was too old for me," I said, breaking the silence before it turned oppressive.

Grandfather threw his head back and laughed. "My dear, Manfred is seventy-two years older than Endellion. That's a three-thousand-four-hundred-thirty-one year age difference. Two-thousand-nine-hundred-seventy-one doesn't sound so bad in comparison."

"I thought Joel was over three thousand."

"Between you and me, I think he tells people that in the hope it will intimidate them and they'll leave him alone. He's eleven years shy. If I were you, I'd take great pleasure in counting every last one then throw the most ostentatious and embarrassing party you can imagine."

"He'd hate it."

"That's the point. For Manfred's fourth millennium, I set up signal fires all around the Daneian pass. Almost started a war," he said as an after thought. "The Dracon commander misplaced my message about the festivities. Luckily, I used an old code so their scouts read the message without any trouble."

"I think Uncle Manfred would have preferred the war."

 Grandfather shrugged. "Definitely."

Character Data Cards Added To: 

    Prologue Part 1 - Mitchel

    Prologue Part 2 - Manfred

    Chapter 1 Part 1 - Alannah

What I'm Reading:

Fireborn by Carolyn_Hill

She Saw Everything by K_T_Moyer

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