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Nothing much had happened when the two teenage girls had gotten home later that day, Wednesday had felt she had enough human interaction to last a lifetime, so she didn't talk much and went straight to her room as soon as she could

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Nothing much had happened when the two teenage girls had gotten home later that day, Wednesday had felt she had enough human interaction to last a lifetime, so she didn't talk much and went straight to her room as soon as she could. This wasn't exactly strange behavior for Wednesday, and the rest of the Addams family didn't push her to speak or interact in any way, something that Beverly took notice of.

She was going to ask her new friend if something was wrong, but after noticing that no one else seemed to make a big deal of it, she caught on that it probably wasn't strange behavior for the girl, so she didn't question her and let her be, something that Wednesday appreciated. She didn't like when people questioned her, or pushed her to open up, because if she did, people wouldn't like what they saw.

The next morning, Wednesday and Beverly were walking to school together, not accompanied by Calpurnia because she claimed she was going to meet up with a friend.

"You dont have any friends, Nia, who are you trying to fool?"

"Look who's talking."

Wednesday knew her older sister just wanted her to make friends with Beverly, but what she didn't know was if Calpurnia actually was meeting up with a friend. It was a known fact that the both of them didn't have friends, but if Calpurnia managed to find one, she was happy for her. Calpurnia and Wednesday have always had eachother, but sometimes it just wasn't enough and the both of them wanted someone their own age to relate to. Wednesday secretly hoped that Calpurnia actually did make a good friend, she deserved one--they both did.

"So, my friend Eddie mentioned that he ran into you yesterday," Beverly said as they walked to school, trying to make conversation. She wondered why Wednesday didn't meet her at lunch like she said she was, but didn't question it, she knew that Wednesday would meet her friends when she was ready, if she even wanted to meet them.

"Kid with asthma? He dropped a book on me, almost dropped dead when he saw me too." Wednesday said, almost humorlessly.

Beverly smiled at her, she knew that Wednesday didn't take shit from anyone, but she didn't seem to mind that Eddie had practically made a fool of himself. It showed that Wednesday was making progress, she was slowly starting to get used to the idea that it was okay to talk to someone new, without threatening them of course.

"Sounds about right." She chuckled. "Are...are you going to hang out with my friends and I at lunch today?" She hesitantly asked, not wanting to seem pushy, but encouraging instead.

Wednesday was going to be blunt and tell her no way, but when she turned to face Beverly, she had the look. That look that you just couldn't say no to because you couldn't bare to see that hopeful glint in their eye vanish. For some reason, Wednesday didn't want to disappoint Beverly.

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