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Wednesday and Calpurnia both sat in anticipation on the couch

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Wednesday and Calpurnia both sat in anticipation on the couch. The two had almost been feeling the same way, no one ever came to their house. This was a new experience for them both, even if Calpurnia didn't know their guests like Wednesday did. Wednesday couldn't decipher what she was feeling, she dreaded the moment the doorbell would ring but at the same time she couldn't help but feel this gravitational pull towards whatever this dinner represented.

Was it her desire for friendship? Or the idea of friendship itself?

Interrupting further contemplation, the thing she had been dreading occurred, causing the two sisters to glance at each other. Wednesday nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and went to go answer the door.

"Eddie?" Wednesday asked softly, very confused. He had said he wasn't going to make it this evening.

"Y-yeah, hi, Wednesday." He said with doe eyes, fiddling with the straps of his backpack.

"What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't make it." Wednesday asked suspiciously but somehow she knew she was covering the fact that she was secretly relieved at his arrival; in fact, she was even happy.

Happy? Really? What's this kid doing to me? I'm losing my mind, what is this? Emotions? No thanks. I need to burn something. Wednesday thought to herself.

"I did say that, but...I kinda snuck out my house?" Eddie replied, almost cringing at how disrespectful he was being towards his mother. He couldn't believe he was breaking so many rules by coming to his friend's house. Which was why he was so confused and angered by his mother's ruling; why should one be punished or ridiculed based on their friends? Especially if that friend has done nothing wrong for them to be judged in such a horrid way.

"That's awesome," Wednesday said, actually impressed that little Eddie was capable of breaking the rules. "Come in, I have an idea." She smirked, pulling him inside by his left backpack strap.

He almost tripped but Wednesday had luckily caught him before he could fall, holding him upright. He looked taken aback but once he saw the amusement swirling in the teen's eyes, he chuckled and allowed her to lead them upstairs.

▵ ▾ ▵

"What are we doing exactly?" Eddie asked in confusion as he held a pile of Richie's Hawaiian shirts in his arms, watching as Wednesday searched the basement for something.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to burn you alive. Hopefully, you'll be in excruciating pain." Wednesday said calmly, smiling when she found what she was looking for and turned it on.

Turning to Eddie, she smiled sadistically, holding up the blowtorch and pointing it to her right, the flames igniting the dimly lit basement.

Eddie must've caught on to her dark humor by now, and didn't look scared in the slightest, in fact, he laughed, his smile bright as he must've realized what the blowtorch was for.

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