Barry Allen--Opposites Attract

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So the reader and Barry seem to prove the theory that opposites attract true and have a bunch of playful bickering about it.


There has always been that saying that people usually say to make themselves feel better, that Opposites Attract, you had never truly been one to believe in it, that was until you met Barry Allen.

Because you had differences, it managed to keep things interesting in your relationship, it felt like you were, as cheesy as it sounds, two halves of a whole, you were 1/2 of the most kick-ass couple ever. Everything you needed in your life, Barry was always there to cover for you and vice versa.

Where you were bold, he was shy. While he'd always been late, even with the unfair advantage of superspeed, you arrived ten minutes early. While he was awkward, you were very sure of yourself. His obsession with coffee seemed to be never-ending, you'd rather have tea, no matter how much cream or sugar you added coffee was always too bitter for your taste. You preferred a clean, organized work environment, whereas Barry was perfectly comfortable throwing his jacket in the corner and letting it sit there.

Now it's not like you two have nothing in common. You're both very down to Earth people and extremely nice, and very much so in love with one another. You two created the perfect balance.

So there you were, at the West house for the annual summer barbeque. Dozens of people had stopped by and the house was filled with energy and light.

With the house being so packed, Barry was able to easily convince you to join him in the backyard to help Joe cook, though you knew he just wanted to escape the growing crowd inside.

About fifteen minutes later, the food was done, people were eating and talking amongst themselves. Barry had dragged you to an empty table so that you could chat in peace. And while you would have been rather happy to talk with Cisco and Iris for a bit, you could tell that the interaction was draining Barry, so you agreed.

"That's so gross," you said observing Barry as he put ketchup on his hotdog.

He glanced up at you and raised a brow, "How is this gross?" he asked.

"Ketchup on hotdogs is gross, I understand ketchup on hamburgers, but on a hotdog? It's just barbaric to do that to a hot dog."

"Maybe you're the barbaric one because you can't even appreciate this refined cuisine. Maybe my pallet is just more developed than yours," he responded with a mouthful, the fact that he was so proud of his comeback caused you to laugh at just how loveable he really is.

"C'mon, let's go," he said standing up and brushing the crumbs off his clothes. "We gotta go before Jerry's closes, and I do not intend to break my promise of buying you ice cream tonight," he said checking his watch.

He smirked as your eyes lit up at the mention of ice cream, he held back his laughter as your smile turned into a pout.

"But I still have fries left," you sighed. "Not everyone is as fast as you are Barry," you defended.

"Guess I'll just have to go without you then," he dramatically sighed, slowly walking away, you knew he was waiting for you to catch up.

"I actually hate you right now Barry Allen," you said as you jogged to catch up with him.

"Aww," he cooed putting his arm around your waist. "I love you too baby," he said playfully ruffling your hair.


"We should watch Chopped," you suggested as you plopped down on your couch well Barry put the leftover ice cream in the freezer.

"Or," he said lifting your feet so that he could sit next to you before putting your legs back down on his lap, "We could watch the news and see what's going on in our city."

"Ugh," you sighed. "What are you? A sixty-year-old lady who watches it every night?" you teased nudging him with your arm.

He glared at you while he stole the remote from your grip when you weren't paying attention and switched to the news channel.

Half an hour or so later the news had ended and you had nearly fallen asleep during it, you shifted about halfway through to use Barry as a pillow and lay the rest of your body across the couch. The only thing you had actually paid any attention to is that there was no recent meta-human activity.

"Babe?" Barry said gently nudging you to see if you were awake. It was more than likely a little past ten, but with the Barry filled day you had, you were absolutely and completely exhausted. "You up?" he asked.

"No," you mumbled as you cuddled deeper into Barry's warmth, you didn't particularly care to move. Sleep and Barry were the only things on your mind at the moment.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed," Barry said standing up and gently lifting you from the couch, he then continued to carry you bridal style to your bedroom and gently laid you on the bed.

Seconds later you felt the bed dip as a shirtless Barry wrapped his arms around you and brought you into his embrace.

"Goodnight baby," he cooed laying a tender kiss to your forehead. 

Barry was warm and smelled distinctly like coffee, and while you hated the taste, you adored the smell. There weren't any flaws you could find with this man. And while Barry did have some weird likes, and some strange personality traits, you knew that you would never change a single thing about him if you were given the chance. Barry was perfect just the way he was. Little did you know, he felt the same way about you.

"I love you," he murmured into your hair as his cheek rested against your head.

"I love you more," you hummed in response.

"Not possible."


Feel free to send in requests, I have a few other imagines in the works right now. But feel free to comment requests or message them to me, they help me to update more and write more of what you want to read! Enjoy!

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