Barry Allen--Saved

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Requested by SarahCobbler

You had been dating Barry Allen for almost 2 years, it was bliss. Your relationship was something out of a movie, or even a comic book. It wasn't until recently that your life had been turned upside down, first with the Reverse Flash, then Zoom, and now...Savitar.

He was unlike anything that Barry and the team had ever faced before, he was fast, faster than Barry, and that scared the hell out of you. The thought of losing Barry to his hand constantly haunted you, the thought of being alone...

But Barry was always able to help you overcome that fear, make it go away, he was your protection, your hero, your Barry Allen.

You two had been getting coffee at CC Jitters, nothing that was out of the normal for you two.

"What's wrong?" you asked, Barry seemed particularly on edge lately, and it was showing.

"Hmm?" he said as he was taken out of his thoughts, "Nothing's wrong."

"Yes, I know you, Barry, what's bothering you?" you persisted.

"I'm just nervous...I mean, I have a great life, I have the most beautiful woman I could ever imagine right by my side, I have a great family...I just feel like I have more to lose now than ever, and with just makes me nervous," Barry said looking down.

"Barry," you said lifting his chin and bringing his eyes back to your own. "You have nothing to be afraid of, I'm not going anywhere."

But you were wrong, you just didn't realize it yet. Later that night you had been at your and Barry's shared apartment catching up on one of Iris' most recent articles about the Flash while Barry was at the lab with Joe when a flash of blue caught your eye...and then you saw him, Savitar. You stood up quickly, your heart practically pounding out of your chest, this was your first face to face encounter with Savitar.

"Afraid?" he snickered.

"I'm not afraid of you," you snapped back as you slid your phone out of your back pocket and pushed your panic button that was linked to the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite.

"Oh, you should be," he said inching closer. "You should be very afraid," he said merely inches away from your face. Before you could react he had taken you off your feet and sped you to some abandoned warehouse that you didn't know the location of.

Barry had been at his lab at CCPD when he got the alert, he saw that you had activated your panic button, he knew that there was only one reason you would do were in danger. He had never sped out of that lab so fast, before he knew he was at your apartment, only to see a flash of blue before you were gone...ripped away from him, the thing he loved most, stolen from him.

You were knocked out almost as soon as you arrived, you awoke only to realize that your hands were restrained behind you, your back against a pole, your feet tied together in front of you. The floor beneath you was cold and damp, the room dark, barely enough light to see Savitar, out of his suit, in front of you, you could see the face of a long gone Barry, a broken one.

"What do you want from me?" you spat out.

"You?" he asked. "All I need from you is for Barry to see you die so that I can be born and rise," he replied.

"He's not going to let that happen, Barry is stronger than you could ever know."

"I know he is," Savitar said squatting down next to you. "But even he can't stop what's coming."

"If all you need from me is for me to die then why don't you just get on with it?" you asked.

"Because," he said laughing, "Your the one thing that can actually interfere with my plan, your the only one smart enough to figure it out," he said pointing to you. "You're the genius that creates the very device that imprisons me in the speedforce for eternity."

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