Barry Allen--Meant to be

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This one was a request by Sprinklesrawsome123

Y/N Wells was the daughter of Harry Wells and the older sister of Jesse Wells. She had spent her whole life on Earth-Two, she too was a genius, much like her father. Though Y/N always wanted more. She knew the theory of the multiverse was true, and she wanted to explore it, no matter how dangerous it may seem to the ordinary person.

But still, Y/N knew her father would never agree to something like that, he was always overprotective of her and Jesse ever since their mother had died. However, when a villain from Earth-Two took a visit to Earth-One, so did Y/N and her family.

The Wells family knew that they didn't have much of a life left on Earth-Two after what happened with Zoom. Y/N eventually moved to Earth-One with her father and Jesse. She saw the similarities between the alternate worlds, but her father never let her venture into S.T.A.R. Labs.

Until one day, Y/N's expertise was needed on a case with the Flash. She knew that Barry Allen was the Flash, but she also knew that she wasn't supposed to get involved with anything dangerous, like helping him with his superhero duties.

But after helping with one case, Y/N couldn't help herself, she loved helping Barry and the rest of Team Flash, she felt like she was finally making a difference. And to be honest, Barry liked having Y/N around, she often found herself catching a lingering gaze from him, and to say the two hadn't grown close was an understatement.

Y/N had started hanging out with Barry in his lab at the station. She enjoyed helping him with his CSI work, and he liked spending time with her. Y/N was currently at the station waiting for Barry to return with lunch, she found herself sitting at his desk spinning around in his chair as she waited.

Barry sped back into his lab and smiled when he saw Y/N, "Hey," he greeted, setting two bags of Big Belly Burger on his desk. "Hope you're hungry," he said pulling up another chair and sitting down beside her.

Y/N let out a soft laugh, "I think that you are forgetting that most of this food is for you and your speedster appetite," she told him.

Barry smiled, "What can I say, saving the city on a daily basis makes you hungry," he joked, nudging Y/N with his arm. Y/N admired how sweet Barry was, and how much of gentlemen he always was around her. He really was a hero, powers or not.

A few days later, Cisco was at S.T.A.R. Labs tweaking and adjusting a few things on Barry's suit when Barry walked into his workstation.

Cisco looked up from his work briefly and saw Barry, "Hey," he said turning his attention back to his work.

"Hey," Barry replied, "What are you up to?" he asked.

Cisco shrugged, putting his tools aside and focusing on his friend, "Just tweaking the suit" he replied. "What about you, why are you here?" he asked.

Barry smiled to himself, looking down slightly, "What do you think about Y/N?" he wondered.

Cisco chuckled, a smug smirk on his face. "Well, I think that you have a crush on her, and you totally have heart eyes for her," he told his friend.

Barry nervously scratched the back of his neck, "I-I don't know about that."

Though Cisco saw right through Barry's act, "Dude, I have totally shipped you two since day one," he mentioned. "Besides, I don't know if you've noticed, but Y/N likes you, like really likes you. All she ever does is talk about you," Cisco explained.

Barry blushed slightly, knowing that Y/N too had feelings for him. "Thank you, for telling me that. But do you really think that Harry will be happy with all of this; if we started dating?" he asked.

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