Barry Allen--New Girl

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For most of his life, Barry Allen had always thought that he was meant to end up with Iris West. But when he walked into C.C. Jitters that day, everything changed when his eyes landed on a girl with a big, bright smile.

Barry sauntered his way over to Iris. "Iris, who's the new girl?" he asked, nodding his head in her direction.

Iris gave him a playful grin. "Why? You think she's pretty, don't you?" Iris countered.

Barry rolled his eyes. "No, I mean she's beautiful, gorgeous even. But I mean she's a new face, and I like her face. And I've seen a lot of faces, and none of them are like hers," he rambled as his face reddened. 

Iris giggled, "Her name is Y/N, and she is totally single," Iris hinted. Iris then called Y/N over, however, when she turned around to introduce you two Barry was gone, his Flash duties calling him away.

For the next few months, Barry would casually go to Jitters and hang out for a while until he was called off to be the Flash. Even as the Flash, he would follow her around and make sure that she was safe. He became intrigued by Y/N, he was convinced that she was the one. But whenever he rambled about her with Cisco and Caitlin, or Iris and Joe. Barry was always reminded that he'd never actually asked Y/N out. 

But today was the day...the day he would finally muster up the courage and ask her out. Up until this point it had just been movie nights with Iris, and playful flirting, but that was all about to change. 

Barry entered Jitters and saw that Y/N was currently surrounded by a group of men. They were throwing inappropriate comments her way and it was clear that she was uncomfortable.

It didn't take long for Barry to realize that behind those comments they threw that they were actually robbing Jitters. Fitting, seeing as it was fairly late, and Y/N was the only barista working, just about to close up for the night.

"Give us the cash and we won't bash that pretty little face, baby girl," one of the men said urging her to hurry.

Y/N gulped in fear as she slowly opened the cash register. Barry swiftly exited the building and came back seconds later as Central City's superhero...The Flash.

"I think you guys need to leave the pretty girl alone," Barry said as a bullet was shot his way, he caught it with ease. "What is it with you robbers and trying to shoot the fastest man alive?" he commented.

"Oh yeah?" one of the men challenged as he then pointed a gun at Y/N, "She ain't so fast, I assume."

Barry slowly put his hands up, "Okay, just let her go...she didn't do anything to you," Barry said trying to reason with the crook.

"Yeah, well I'm about to," Y/N said as she grabbed a hot pot of coffee from under the counter and bashed it against his head.

Barry smiled at her bravery before grabbing all three men and escorting them outside to a squad car.

He walked back inside and saw Y/N cleaning up the broken glass. Barry bent down beside her and sped her mess away.

Y/N looked up at him with a smile, that same damn smile that made Barry run in circles. "Thank you, Flash."

He smiled back, "You never have to thank me, Y/N," he replied.

"How do you know my name?" Y/N asked softly.

Barry froze in his tracks, " you happen to know Barry Allen by chance?" he asked back.

Y/N blushed at the name, "That's Iris's brother, he's a CSI for CCPD, really cute, quirky. He flirts, but he hasn't asked me out so I'm pretty sure he's not interested," she admitted.

Barry smiled at her words, "I just said all that out loud didn't I?" Y/N asked, sounding embarrassed.

"If it's any consolation, I think he feels the same way," Barry added.

"And how would you know that?" she questioned.

"Trust me, I feel the same way," Barry said pulling off his mask, revealing his identity.

Y/N's jaw dropped, she couldn't believe that she had not only admitted her feelings for a really cute guy to the Flash but also found out that the cute guy was the Flash.

"Y-You're the Flash?" she asked, unsure of herself.

Barry shot her his signature smile, "It'd be really awkward if I just showed up here in a leather suit for any other reason, right?" he joked.

Y/N laughed at his joke, "So...about what I said earlier."

"I feel the same way," Barry said cutting her off.


"I've always felt the same way," Barry said making his way closer to her, "I just didn't think you did," he said, his nose just barely brushing over hers.

Y/N closed the distance, her lips finally capturing Barry's in a sweet kiss. Barry was quick to wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. While Y/N's went around his neck, her fingers gently tugging at the ends of his hair.

The two only pulled apart when the need for air became too great, "So...Y/N...that was-"

Y/N cut him off with another chaste kiss, "Trust me, I have a pretty good idea how you feel about it."


Feel free to send in requests! It would really help me be able to update more and focus more on writing what you guys want to see. I'll even shout you out at the beginning of the chapter if you want!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever, I'm going to change that, my schedule had become a lot more open and I hope to update more frequently now.


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