Barry Allen--Cookies

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"Okay," Y/N said walking into CCPD, "I have coffee and bagels. Grab em' before they're gone."

Joe grinned as he approached her, taking a coffee cup from her, "Y/N? Have I told you that you're my favorite?" he asked.

"Not today," Y/N joked as she set the items down on her desk, smiling when she saw Iris across from her. "Good morning, coffee?" she offered.

"You are asking a barista if she wants coffee?" Iris teased, raising her brows.

Y/N chuckled at this, "Okay, fair enough, how about a bagel?"

"That I will take you up on," Iris smiled, reaching into the paper bag and grabbing a bagel, "Do you have any plans for tonight?" Iris asked.

"Ah, yes actually. I have a date with Netflix, and I'm wearing my couch," Y/N answered as she sat down at her desk, taking a sip of her own coffee.

Iris rolled her eyes, "Why don't you come out with me and Eddie tonight? It's karaoke night at that bar down the street," Iris said suggestively.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "As fun as it would be to third wheel on your date tonight, I'd rather not. But I appreciate you for thinking of me though," she replied.

Iris let out a dramatic sigh, "Fine, fine. But one of these days I am going to get you out of the house."

"Good luck tearing me away from my TV," Y/N teased with a wink as she saw Barry walk through the door.

"Hey, Joe. I think I found something on the-" Barry cut himself off when his eyes landed on Y/N, a goofy smiling forming on his lips, "H-Hey Y/N," he greeted.

"Hey Barry," Y/N replied brightly as she handed him a cup of coffee, "Coffee? The last one," she offered.

"Yeah, thanks," Barry replied, gladly taking the cup from her, "You got bagels too?" he said noticing the bag next to her.

"Yeah, you want one?" she asked. "I saved a chocolate chip one just for you," Y/N said wiggling her brows playfully.

"You know I can't so no to chocolate," Barry smiled, reaching into the bag, "You're too good to me."

"As hard as you work?" Y/N questioned. "You deserve it," she said looking down at her watch. 
"Oh, gotta run. I have a meeting in like 5 minutes," she said quickly getting to her feet and grabbing her jacket.

"Will I see you later?" Barry asked sounding hopeful.

"Obviously," Y/N said. "I still expect my mid-morning visit when I get back," Y/N winked playfully with a smirk.

Barry blushed at the sight and smiled brightly, "Great."

"I'll see you later," Y/N said walking out, "Bye."

Barry's face broke out into a bright cherry red as he smiled, wiggling his fingers in her direction as she walked out, "Bye..."

Iris burst out laughing as she watched her best friend flounder over Y/N, whistling lowly as she got up and made her way over to him. "You've got it bad for her, my friend."

Barry's eyes went wide and they darted to his friend, "Is it really that obvious?" he asked raking a nervous hand through his hair.

"Are you kidding me? Ray Charles could have seen that coming from over a mile away," Joe said, looking up from his desk.

Barry rolled his eyes obnoxiously, "Gee, thanks, guys."

Iris chuckled at the sight, "Look, Barr, I don't understand why you don't just ask her out already, I mean the worst that she can say is no."

"Exactly," Barry pointed out. "She'll say no, and then she'll know that I like her, and then working together will be intensely awkward, and it will be all my fault...all because she said no," Barry said going way out of proportion.

Iris shot him a questioning glance, "Or she could say yes," Iris teased.

"But what if she doesn't?" Barry asked.

"I think you'll live," Iris chuckled.


"Barry," Iris groaned, "You're killing me here! I can't stand watching you pine after her, it's like watching a lovesick puppy looking for attention."

"He is a lovesick puppy," Joe chimed in.

"Shut up, Joe," Barry quickly snapped back.

"Look, why don't you do something cute?" Iris suggested. "Send her flowers or something, get her candy, be romantic! Just let her know that you're interested."

Barry bit his lip before nodding his head slowly as a smile began to creep its way onto his face. "You know what? You're right, thanks, Iris," he smiled before racing out of CCPD.

Later that day when Y/N had returned from her meeting, she was greeted by a small tin box sitting on top of her desk with a note taped to the lid. She took the note off and opened up the tin box, seeing her favorite chocolate chip cookies sitting inside. She smiled brightly seeing that they were warm and fresh from the oven before she opened the note and began to read...


It only seemed fair that I get you these...especially considering that you got me a bagel and coffee this morning :) Maybe you can tell me how good they were over dinner tonight?


When Y/N looked up again, she saw Barry standing in the doorway, shifting lightly on his feet as he smiled sheepishly over at her.

Y/N couldn't help but grin. "Pick me up at 6:00?" she asked.

Barry smiled, "I'll be there."


This one was a request, I hope you all enjoyed it! I just got out of school today for Christmas break, sooo...that means that I will be updating a lot more frequently over the next week or so!

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