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You heard the man scream as you were running with your little legs, as fast as a seven year old can to escape the livid man, you had taken food from his stall and now you were trying to loose him so you could eat in peace the stolen meal. You turned in the corner to enter an alley as you continued running, you could hear the mans thunderous footsteps behind you. You decided against using your quirk as for you were still tired from the last time you had used it. As you were nearing the end of the alley, the man caught up to you and started hitting you so that you would let go of the food you were holding.

"LET GO OF THE FOOD YOU BRAT!" The man continued to hit you repeatedly causing you great pain in your body, you could feel the bruises forming already.

When the man thought you had learned your lesson he threw you to the floor roughly, he took the food you stole and left to attend his stall once more, leaving you bloody and bruised in the alley. When you made sure that the man was gone you stood up supporting yourself with the wall and stayed in there trying to nurse your wounds and assesing the damage the man had inflicted on you.

Hours later the pain was not as excrutiating, and you could move with a faint ache in your body, and then you had the chance to see the alley were you ended up, it was full of trash cans and smelled terrible so you decided to leave and head where you were currently staying in another alley near the park. The people that visited the park normally avoided places like this and so you were left alone, the alley was mostly clean (as clean as an alley can be). The trash cans were pushed to the entrance of the ally and placed in a way that it blocked the entrance to it and it was a dead end, in the left corner you had a couple of blankets that you picked up from the trashcans, that was what you called a home or something close to it you collapsed on your blankets and fell asleep hoping that tomorow would be better.

~Time Skip 8 years later~

HELP!! HEELP IS THERE A HERO NEARBY??!!! THERE'S A MONSTER IN MY STORE!!!! Screamed the man as you were taking his groceries, you were using your quirk called: Dragon soul, it enables you to take in the form of a firebreathing dragon at will.

(The picture is what you look like in your dragon form, if you can't see the pic, is the dragon from the ending #3 from this series.)

(Details of her quirk will come later.)

Your dragon size right now was as big as a horse, you took all you needed in your maw and left in a hurry before more onlookers crowded the entrance, hence making your escape more difficult, as you ran still in your dragon form, people screamed and ducked out of your way, you kept running on all fours till you saw the police making a barricade.

"Stop now or we will shoot!"
Said one of the policemen while holding a megaphone while the other men were preparing their guns.

You stopped and noticed that they were pointing guns at you. In a moment of panic you turned around and sped up running in the middle of the street while flapping your wings and managing to to take flight just in time, as you were about to hit a plain looking boy, and managed to loose the authorities from your back as you passed a couple of buildings and landed in a alley a couple blocks away, when you deemed it safe to turn you shifted back to your normal form that caused you to drop the stolen goods.

"Damn now they are all slobbered... again..." you sigh "and atleast I remembered to bring the plastic bags this time" you said while wiping the saliva out of the packages and getting everything in the respective bags and started walking down the streets to your so called home.

Once you reached the park, grocery bags still in hand, you passed a television store that was broadcasting the afternoon news, they were disscusing some important matter you catched a few words here and there, you were a little bit far from the television, but you payed no heed to it and continued your way home, the remaining of the walk was uneventful till you rounded the corner to your home and your body stiffed at what you saw, a dozen of policemen an a couple of Heroes taking everything out of the alley... everything you had hoarded during the years...

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