Camping trip

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The following weekend passed slowly, you satyed in your room and didn't answer any text messages or calls, the only socialisation you did was with Aizawa and your dad. When monday arrived you awoke in cold sweat, the face of Tomura kept appearing randomly on your head. You shivered in disgust and fear before leaving your bed and getting ready for the day. Walking to the bathroom you turned on the light and saw a silohuette there, you gasped, but rubbed your eyes and it was no longer there, you sighed in relief, looking at your self on the mirror you saw your bruised neck, (okay peeps lemme explain, Tomura actually used his quirk on her by accident, the only thing preventing her throat from crumbling is her healing ability, its continously healing her, but for the bruise to be gone she has to be healed completely at once)  you placed your hand above it and sighed. After everything was done you walked back into your room to change to the school uniform, you heard a knock on the door.

"Give me a second!" You finished changing your clothes and opened the door to see Aizawa.

"You don't have to go to school if you don't want to you know." He said plainly

"And leave me here alone with my thoughts? No I don't think so Aizawa, sorry."

"You are always so stubborn..., fine, come, we will be late."  He said taking notice of the bruise that had formed on your neck.

You arrived to UA,  before you entered the classroom Aizawa stopped you. "Go to Recovery girl first so that she can fix that bruise."

You nodded "Be right back" you said and Aizawa patted your head, he entered the classroom. You turned around and went to Recovery girl's office, on the way you saw a purple haired boy having some trouble with a sack of books that he was carrying.

"Wait let me help you" you said taking the highest books from him


"No problem, where are you taking these?" You said gesturing to the books.

"To the general studies library."

"Okay let's go" You said and walked beside him.

"You are Shinsou right?" You asked looking at the boy


"He doesn't speak much does he?" You thought while thinking on a topic to talk about.  "You did awesome on the sports festival, with the mind control and all."

He looked at you curiously "You know about it?"

"Mhm, to say the least it's badass, I don't even know why you are in general studies, you should be with us!" You said smiling at the end.

You felt your body freeze "What's happening!" You though then you saw Shinsou from the corner of your eye. But your dragon was having none of it, it unfroze you.

"Hey why would you do that?" You asked pouting the boy looked at you in surprise.

"You are the same as him"

"As who... Midoriya?"

He nodded

"Hm, you could say that..." you shrugged and continued walking till you reached the library.

"Well, here we are, it was a nice conversation Shinsou" you said and turned to the direction of the infirmary.

"Hey dragon girl"

You turned around

"Whats your name?"

"I'm (Y/n), nice meeting you Shinsou" and you left.

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