Hero Liscense pt.2

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When the first part of the exam was over, you and your class celebrated that all of U.A students had passed the first round.

As you were cheering you felt a nauseous feeling, you had to place a hand on your mouth to prevent anything fom gettin out. You quickly ran to the bathrooms at the far end of the waiting room.

When you made it to the toilet and emptied your stomachs contents, you looked and saw that it was the same slimy black liquid, from the day that the others rescued you.

You sighed, in the end you have to tell someone. But not here, not now, they won't let you go further with the exam. Flushing the toilet and cleaning your mouth for any residue, you got out to notice that the second part was about to begin.

"This will be the next and last stage for your exam! At this disaster site you we will be having you all conduct rescue maneuvers!"

You saw in awe as the area that you just took the first part of the exam was literraly being blown up. You felt someone walking beside you.

"Oh Shoto you scared me for a second there." You said while giving him a closed eye smile.

"Are you okay? I saw you run out to the bathroom."

"Oh. That. Yeah I just had to pee." You said with a little chuckle at the end to make it more believable. Even though you know Shoto wouldn't buy it.

"Hm, when you feel ready to tell me then I'm all ears." He took one of your hands and intertwined it with his own. You smiled at this, somehow instantly making you fell bad for lying .

"I see people!"


"What do they think they are doing?"

"Childer Elderly that is dangerous for them!"

Those are some of the comments you heard through the waiting room.

"These individuals have gone through all sorts of training,and are now much sought after.  They're part of the "Help us Company" or H.U.C for short disguised as normal injured victims, members of the H.U.C  are scattered throught the battlefield on standby!"

"And it's all of you who will be carrying out their recues. What's more, all of your rescue activities will be scored on a point system. By the time we've completed all the activities those who exceed the average value will pass. We'll be starting in ten minutes, so now is the time to go to the restroom and what not."

"So this one prehaps is modeled after the Kamino incident." You talked to Shoto about this. He nodded.

You looked to the side and saw Kaminari and Mineta hitting Midoriya.

"Be right back" you said to Shoto and let go of his hand. You grabbed Kaminari and Mineta by the collar of their hero costumes.

"What do you think you are doing?, Show some composure for gods sake." You said and dropped them.

"Midoriya was with a naked girl!"

"Wow really what girl?" You asked with curiosity

"Not you too (Y/n)!" You head Midoriya whine.

When you saw the girl you hid behind Midoriya. "I don't know why, but she is really scary."

Midoriya looked at you and nodded rapidly. "I know!" You noticed that the guys from Shiketsu academy where coming and they were looking at Katsuki.

You stepped from behind Midoriya and walked towards Katsuki. "Oi Shiketsu coming this way" you said and looked at the Shiketsu group.

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