I Feel Pain (part 1)

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Hey, my name is Lily. Here's a little bit about myself. I love dogs well just aminals in general. I live by myself in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment. I don't do much other then sit inside and watch TV. Oh and I kinda fell in love with a serial killer. Wanna know how it happened? Well here's how it went down.

I hate walking back to the parking lot in the dark. Im stupid and thought it was a good idea to wait to go to the store. No it's not a good idea it's just scary. So I rush to my car and pop the trunk. I don't think I ever put stuff in the trunk so fast. I bet I beat a world record or something. I turn the heat all the way up because its fucking cold.

"Drive to you're house" someone growls into my ear. I shiver as I feel a cold blade press against my throat. I gulp and look at the mirror to try and catch a glimpse of who ever it was. Unfortunately sh.. well I'm guessing it a girl sounds like one. Anyway she had a hoodie on, not to mention it really dark out here.

I do the next best thing and slowly look down so the knife won't cut me from a sudden movement. To look at the hand. It's definitely a woman's hand. There a few tiny tattoos on the hand. A cross, smiley​ face, and something werid Its like a triangle with squares.

Before I know it I'm already pulling up at my house. I stop the car and put it in park. The back door opens and she walks to my side and opens the door. I look up at her hoping to catch a glimpse to no luck. She Yanks me out so fast that I didn't even get a chance. "Ow shit, dang man don't gotta be so rough" I grumble and glare at her. I don't know why I'm not scared.

Violence Warning.......

She grabs the back of my throat and forces me to walk twords the door. I really hope she doesn't kill me " keys" she mumbles. "Back pocket" I say. She feels my back pocket and gets them out. She drags me in the house by my hair. Hurts like a bitch,"hey phyco can you like let go of my hair".

Not one of my best choices. She flings me into the wall by my hair. Then pushes me down so hard into the glass coffee table. " Ahhhh stop please just stop" I yell as I feel the glass pieces go deeper into my skin. She grabs my hair again but this time pulls my face close to hers and looks me in the eye. Now that I can get a good look at her, she actually very pretty .

I mean besides the blood on her face her eyes are very pretty. While my dumbass is getting lost in her gray eyes, she just getting a tighter grip on my hair. "Don't speak" she growl's and shoves me back into the ground. I'm starting to feel light headed I think I'm gonna pass out.

End Of Warning....

It's been a few weeks since the whole crazy person in my car thing happened. I have learned only a few things about her. Like her name is Kristen, Shes 22, She has only hurt two aminals in her life , she highly regrets hurting the animals. Also I'm pretty sure she has voices in her head, I always catch her talking to them. Then when I ask her about it, she hurts me.

She kinda comes and gose I haven't called the cops because I'm very interested in the way her mind works. Like what triggers her the hurt me, and what make her softer.

The sound of someone walking in takes me from my thoughts. I glance back from my spot on the couch. I catch a glimpse of Kristen walking to the kitchen I would go to her but she hates that. So I wait for her to come to me. I know she's to me when I feel her hands go around my neck.

Not tightly but not to soft eather. She moves her mouth to my ear and wishers" I need a band-aid" I role my eyes as I feel her tighten her hands around my neck. I slap at her hands to get them off " I would get you one if you get your nasty hands off my neck" one thing I learned is she like it when I talk back or fight back. She chuckes and let's go of my neck.

I'm completely shook when I see her face she has a huge gash. Starting at the top of her forehead then crosses over to her eyebrow. There so much blood" Kristen!! A band-aid is not gonna help that!!" I semi yell while grabbing her arm and dragging her to the bathroom room.

I make her sit on the toilet seat,while I grab the first aid kit. I always knew this would come in handy one day. I grab the achool and put some one a swob. But before I can put it on her face she swats at my hand. "Stop being a pussy and let me do it" she just glares at me. I just shake my head "how did this even happen?" I asked. Her normally gray eyes turn black, and I know u asked the wrong question.

Violence Warning .........

She rips out of my grip and grabs my thoat. " What did I say about asking questions!" She screams in my face. I don't think I ever see her get this bad. I mean she gets mad and pushes me around, but her eyes never got so black that there almost red.

I'm not even gonna lie I'm very scared right now. Before I even respond I'm being thorwn across the bathroom. " Kristen please stop!!! The cuts bleeding even worse" I wimper. See this is the kind of crap I hate. She can be beating the shit out of me and I'm still worried about her.

She stomps over to me and Yanks me up by my hair. I can feel my hair being ripped out. She swings me into the sink and my head hits the mirror and it cracks. I scream I can feel the little pieces of glass go into my scalp. I look her in the eyes hoping that she stop. Not to any luck it seem to only make her madder.

She turns me around so my back's is against her front. Then shoved my head so hard and fast into the mirror. The already broken pieces go in to my face. I'm full on sobbing now, I tense up when she pulls me back again. I'm waiting for the impact but it never comes. In fact I fill her grip on my fall off.

End Of Warning......

I wipe my eyes and turned around to look at her. " NO!" I scream and drop to my knees to her lifeless looking body. " Get up Kristen come on just get up". I yell while shaking her. I can't call the cops because they will ask to many questions.

I rush to the first aid kit and start cleaning her off. I know she gonna be mad at me but I need to take her shirt off it's soaked in blood. So I cut it off and start to clean her off again. I patch up her head and run down stairs to get some ice.

30 minutes of struggling and pain I get her into my room and lay her onto the bed. I don't know how long it is intill I driffed to sleep on the chair by my bed.

A light touching to my face wakes me but I don't want to open my eyes. I hear a sigh "what have I done to you" I hear Kristen voice say the hand stop touching my face and leads to my hair . It feels like she's picking glass pieces out. "I so sorry, I didn't me to" she say with a sigh. "I wish I could stop my self, I really don't want to hurt you" she keeps going. all the touching stops and I hear her foot steps walk away then I hear the front door open and shut, and I know she gone.

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