Ex Trouble(2)

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Soon I got home with Skyler and she passed right out, soon as I set her on the bed. I mean I was still kinda worried because he bang her pret-wait no, that's sounds wrong. He did hit her pretty hard against the lockers. Yeah there that's better.

I'm still really pissed though. Man I can't believe he did that. He knows I don't like his ass. I can't wait to get my hands around his neck. I want to hurt him so bad. If you think me pulling a gun on him was bad, you should have seen me when Me when Skyler showed up at my door with a black eye and busted lip.

God I fucking hate this game!! It's so fucking stupid I don't even know why I'm still playing it!! "FUCK YOU, FUCKNG FAGOT" I scream rAging over this stupid ass fortnite game.

I should have never listened to my bother when he told me to play. " it'd be fun" he said. Ugh fuck him, now I'm over here about to chunk this fucking controller at the tv. Okay okay just one more game. " AHHHH FIR FUCK SAK-" I stop my screaming by a hurried knock at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone so I grab my gun and hold it behind my back, because in with the people I'm rolling with and me playing with the streets.you make a lot of enemies. Witch I don't know why they would knock I mean that's kinda stupid. Unless there tryna put me off!! Okay I'm just tripping.

I open the door to come face to face with Skyler . I quickly tuck the gun back in my pants. And pull her in to a hug. I noticed a sniffle, so I pull her back but she keep looking down. Putting my hand under her chin I lift her head up. " WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!! Who did this I swear I'm gonna kill them" I yell but calm down since I see her flinch a little. She just starts sobbing" baby please tell me who did this" I say smoothly and pull her in for a hug. She look up at me and hold out her pinky I took hold of it with mine." Promise me you won't go and attack them right now" she said in a soft voice." I promise " I know it gonna be hard but I can try.

" it was Jake" she say and put her head in my chests again. " baby calm down, please I need you right now" she say taking hold of my face. My chest is going up and down very fast. I'm trying I really am, but it's just so hard.

After I calmed down a bit she told me what happened. She said that he started questioning her about a Hickey I left on her neck. Then she tried to lie and say it was him who left it. Then he he started yelling about how they haven't had sex in three weeks. So it couldn't have been him. So she told him it was me and he flipped shit and punched her around. Fucking dick. He was in the hospital the nexts day for a few broken ribs and some teeth knocked out. And a broken arm.

" baby wake up" I felt a light touch to the face and a little shake to the shoulder. I smile and open my eyes to Skyler. I pull her in for a kiss and it get a bit heated in-till she pulls away" as much as I want to, we gotta go to school" she says. Ah gotta love her, always caring about school. I smile up at her " wait we slept through the hole day!!" I say. She starts laughing " I guess we did".

After getting ready we hoped in the car and headed off to school. Jamming to music the hole way there. If your wondering why I'm not freaking out about getting in trouble for pointing and bringing a gun in school. It's because the school has no cameras and me and Jake have had problems for a long while so if he tells there just gonna think he tryna get me in trouble. As for the witness there all to scared to even peep a word about me.

We arrive at the school, god I seriously hate school. I only come so I can be with Skyler. If she wasn't here I wouldn't even be going to school.

Walking in where getting at lot of stares about yesterday . I just glare to make them stop. I hate walking Skyler to class. Not because of her but because I hate leaving her at the class I wish I could just stay with her.

Skyler turns around and hugs me and kisses my cheek" see you later baby" she says and turns to walk into her class but I grab her wrist and pull her to me. She gasps as I give her a really see you later kiss. She has always hated PDA but I just want people to know that she is mine, and they better not fucking touch her.

She pulls away and smiles" I love you" she say "I love you too".

I walk off and head to my class only to notice I have her biology homework. Fuck that the class she's in right now. I know she gonna have a panic attack. So I stand up to take it to her" hey!! Camren and where do you think your going" Ms Scot says. I just give her the finger and walk out. I never liked her anyways.

Jake better not say a thing to me because I know he's in that class. Matter fact no one better say a god damn thing to me besides Skyler.

I look through the window of the door and see Skyler frantically digging through her bag. I smile and walk in she doesn't even look up. I pull the paper out my back pocket. Heading over to her desk I almost trip over someone's foot. I start to apologize only to see it was Jake.

" hey watch it fucking dike" he says. God he's really pushing my buttons. " what you doing tryna trip me? Better movie that fat ass leg of yours before I brake it" I say through gritted teeth.

By this time Skyler looks up and grabs my arm and pulls me closer to her to ask what I'm doing. " here I found this in my bad and I know you'd freak with out it" I laugh. She grabs it really fast" oh my god thank you so much baby" she says and kisses me.

" Camren what are you doing in here" the teacher says.  He dose not like me at all. I think it's because I'm with Skyler and I sometimes feel he has a crush on her. As weird as it is, but he might jut be friendly.

" sorry sir I was just giving Skyler her paper that I had" I smile and began to walk out.

"Bye baby I love you"I say " I love you to "

The rest of the week flew by. Not really any problems think god. Now it's the week end and me and Skyler are just chilling at her house watching movies. It seems like it gonna be a easy weekend.

Oh boy was I wrong.

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