The Arena

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Chapter 6:

The light blinds me and I can't see. It takes a while for my eyes to focus, but when they do I gasp. This is like no arena I've ever seen before. There's rubble everywhere, ruins of where houses would've been. I look to my right and see a ring of tributes and the cornucopia in the middle. There are bags and boxes of supplies around the cornucopia. I look to my right and see Weston, about 8 tributes away. I look him in the eyes and he mouths 'good luck'. I smile and mouth 'you too' back to him. That's when I notice the count down above the cornucopia. 10 ...... My hearts starts pounding. 9.... It's getting faster. 8..... It feels like my heart is about to explode. 7..... It feels like the reaping all over again. 6..... But I know this time I can't pass out. 5..... I know I got a perfect score in training, but the only scythe I can see is far back into the entrance of the cornucopia. 4....... I can't risk it, I can't get there before the others. 3...... I focus my eyes away from the cornucopia. 2..... I see some trees, which look to be a small woods. 1..... That's it, that's where I'll run. 0..... I head straight for the woods, running as fast as can and not stoping. I turn around and see no one else is following me. But I can't stop I have to keep running. I reach the woods and see that they stretch beyond my eyesight. I keep running for about 10 minutes when I feel as if I'm safe. It's getting darker. I can't tell if it's turning to night, or wether it's because I'm deep in the woods. I find a tall tree with a wide branch and climb up. I keep climbing up to the top. I see the sky is dark and the anthem starts to play. They start to show the fallen tributes, but I don't want to know. I don't want to know who's dead. I climb back down to the wide branch and sit down. It's starting to get cold so I curl up into a ball. I fall asleep after 5 minutes. I wake up with a jump and almost fall out of the tree. I can't see anyone around so I start to climb down. Then I hear voices and I freeze. It's sounds like a small group but I can't tell. I climb up to the top of the tree, where the leaves hide me. It's a group of 3 boys. I don't who they are or what districts they're from. The last few days in the Capitol have been a daze, a I don't know who any of the other tributes are apart from Weston. They stop right underneath my tree for 5 minutes, but continue on deeper into the woods. I climb down the tree and see a berry bush. I've seen previous hunger games, where some of the berries are poisonous, called Nightlock. But these berries are red, and from what I've seen Nightlock is a bluey purple. I grab a few and sniff them. They smell sweet and not anything out of the ordinary. I touch one to my tongue and it tastes amazing, so I eat it. I shove more in my mouth and eat them all. I wait 5 minutes but nothing happens, I don't think there's anything wrong with them. With Nightlock the tributes usually die straight away. I pick more and stuff them into the pockets of my jacket until no more will fit. I walk towards my right for 2 hours and the woods don't seem to be any thicker. As I step my foot slips on something. I look down and see that the ground is wet. Water, I think. I continue filling the wet ground and find a small pond. I have a drink from the pond and wash my face. It seems to be getting dark, although I doesn't seem as if I've been up for that long. Maybe the game makers are shorting the days, I don't know. I head away from the pond, because I don't want to be there when someone else finds it. I find another tall tree and climb up. The anthem starts playing, but again I don't want to watch. I cuddle up to the tree and fall asleep.

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