The Capitol

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Chapter 2:

I wake up and open my eyes. I start to panic, I'm not in my own bed, I'm not even in my own house. I'm scream out for my mum, but there is no reply. I get out of the bed and find I'm still in my reaping clothes. It's dark in the room so I walk towards the window. I pull the curtains across and everything outside is rushing past. That's when I realise I am on the train, the train that takes the tributes to the Capitol. I'd blacked out at the reaping and missed everything, the reaping of the boy tribute and saying goodbye to my mum. I fall to my knees and start crying. I may never see my mum again, I never got to say goodbye. A while later I pull myself together. I go to the draw in the room and find a whole heap of clothes. I put on a pair of black full length leggings and a blue silk shirt. I head out of my room and find myself in a hallway running both ways. I don't know which way to go so decide to head towards the front. I hear talking after about three cabins. I enter the room and three people sitting a table turn around. "Hello Kaley" Rayben, our district escort says. I just stand there. I don't know who the other two are, one is a middle aged woman with long red hair and the other, a boy, who looked about my age. "Come sit" says Rayben. I walk over and sit down next to the boy tribute. "This is Pythia your mentor" says Rayben. She extends her hand to me across the table and I cautiously shake it. "And this is Weston, the boy tribute" says Rayben. I turn my head to the boy next to me, he has bright blue eyes and short blonde hair. He smiles slightly, so I smile back. A few hours later we arrive in the Capitol. Out of the window all I can see is a sea of rainbow. There are people waving and cheering. I look over to Weston, he looks like he is going to be sick. Once we are in the Capitol we are taken to our apartment where we will live during our stay in the Capitol. We are on level nine, as that is what district we are from. I walk into the bedroom in which I shall stay. There is massive cub shaped bed with brown silk sheets. I lay down and find that there is a tv on the inside of the cube. I fall asleep and get woken up a soft knock on the door. "Time for dinner sweety" says Rayben from outside my room. I put on a beautiful yellow dress and head down the hall. I enter the dinning room. There are white and orange chairs and a matching table. Everybody is already seated. The avoxes bring out mountains of food, more than I have even seen in my whole life. We dig in and eat until we feel as if we're going to burst. After dinner I head back into my room. I walk into the bathroom and find a massive bath. At home our bath is a small metal wash tub. I hop in and it is amazing, jets, bubbles and warm water. I stay in for what feels like hours. When I get out I am very tired. I lay down on the bed and fall asleep in my clothes.

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