The Reaping

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Chapter 1:

I wake up screaming. My mother runs into the room. "They called my name" I say, tears streaming down my face. My mother comes and sits down on the bed next to me. She puts her arms around me, wrapping me in a tight hug, "you're one in thousands, you won't get picked". She pulls away slowly and fiddles around in her pocket. She pulls out a bronze heart shaped locket with a blue jewel and heart and angel wings. "This was my mothers, she wore it every reaping and didn't get reaped. She gave it to me on my third reaping and now I will give it to you on your third reaping". She places it carefully in my hands. "It's beautiful, thank you" I say. My mum gets up and leaves the room. I start to get ready. I quickly wash myself and put on my nicest dress. It was a sleeveless denim jacket up the top with a cream flowing skirt that goes down to my knees at the bottom. I put on my light brown, lace up heels and put on my favourite bracelet. I walk out into the kitchen and my mum's jaw dropped. "You look beautiful", she says. I hand my mum the necklace and turn around. She pushes my long brown hair out the way and does up the locket. I sit down on the floor and my mum braids my hair into a flower shaped bun. I get up off the floor and head out the door. I line up and get my finger pricked, it hurts at first but it quickly goes away. I walk over to the other fourteen year olds. They play the video, like they do every year. "Welcome, welcome" our district escort, Rayben, says. "Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour, as always, ladies first". She walks over to the bowl, her heels clonking against the stage. She places her hand in the bowl and stirs the names around. She grabs one between two fingers and walks back to microphone. "Kaley Rose", my heart starts pumping. How could this happen? Next thing I know, my legs give way and everything goes black.

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