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just incase you didn't know Y/N means your name

*your POV*

You finish unpacking the last box in your apartment and kick the box to the wall. You sigh as you walk over to your bed and flop down on it. It's been a long day of moving and your superrrr tired. You kick off your shoes and wriggle under the blankets. It's only 4:30pm but you just moved into your new apartment in New York. You drift off to sleep quite easily but are awoken a few mins later by loud yelling and banging coming from next door. You ignore it and try to go back to sleep. After about 30-40 mins of your failed attempt to sleep you can't stand the racket anymore. you jump out of bed and quickly slip into black skinny jeans and a light blue sweater.

 you jump out of bed and quickly slip into black skinny jeans and a light blue sweater

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You open your door and storm out slamming the door behind you

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You open your door and storm out slamming the door behind you. You speed walk up to your neighbors door and knock on it loudly. 

You hear some voices yelling then a tall guy with glasses and brown short-ish hair. He's got an egg yolk on his head that's slowly dripping onto his face. He smiles at you and says"Hey, what's up?" . What the hell....You open your mouth to complain about the noise but before you can someone pushes the boy out of the way. "Yeah" he says, you look down at the floor as you feel his eyes roaming over your body. This guy is a bit shorter with black hair and flour covering half of his face. He has beautiful chocolate eyes, you stare into his eyes until you are snapped back into reality by some guy with an Australian accent says "Oi cunts! Who's at the door?". This guy has long brown hair and he doesn't have egg yolk or flour on him, lucky him. "Can you guys please be quiet I'm trying to sleep!" you exclaim, crossing your arms. The guy with the glasses looks at his watch "It's only 6:00 pm, why are you trying to sleep" he giggles. You feel your face get a bit hot, "Well for your info i just moved in and i have work tomorrow so i would really appreciate it if you could be a little bit quieter" you say started to feel a bit flustered. "Yeah alright then, we'll try" says the Aussie winking at you, the guy with black hair is pulled back from the door a bit by the Aussie. The Aussie whispers to the black haired guy " She kinda looks like an angry toddler, a cute angry toddler though". The black haired guy chuckles. They think you cant hear them, wow. "Why are you guys covered in egg and flour anyways?" you ask looking at the guy with glasses. "Cause we're making a video" says the Aussie with a wide smile, you stare at him "Ok....." you say confused. "Hi I'm Ian" the one with the glasses says holding out his hand, you shake his hand as he says "This is Max" he gestures at the Aussie. Max gives you a cute smile and little wave, "And this chatterbox is Joji".Joji doesn't wave or smile he just kind of nods at you. You smile and say "Hey, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you guys". Ian and Max smile at you whilst Joji just kinda stares at you. "Well I'll be going then, bye" you say stepping away from the door, the boys wave and as you start to walk away you hear Max yell "BYE Y/N NICE TO MEET YOUUUUU". You chuckle to yourself as you enter your apartment. You once again flop down onto your bed and finally fall asleep.


Hey guys! So this is my first time writing a fanfic i hope you enjoyed this chapter i will try to update ASAP. Pls leave what you thought about it in the comments and dm me ideas if you want. Ok well thanks byeee

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