Book boys

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"Alright, well i think Max and i are going to go to cafe that we saw on the way here" Ian said, "Yeah ok, might seeya guys later" you reply. You really like these guys, they're cool and have a good sense of humor. Ian and Max turn to leave, "Wait! can i have your numbers in case i dont see you guys again?" you ask quickly. Max and Ian smile at each other weirdly but agree. You hand them your phone and they put in their numbers, yay, "Can i have Joji's to? just to ya know have it?" you ask feeling a little weird. "OoOoOoOh got a little crush do we Y/N" Max says winking at you, Max then starts raising and waggling his eyebrows. " Yeah, yeah whatever Max" you laugh giving him a little shove. Ian laughs with you guys and puts in Joji's number. You wave goodbye to the boys as they turn and walk away. Your not sure why you asked for Joji's number, you shake your head, take a deep breath in and walk into the bookstore. It's a cute little bookstore, the first thing you see when walking in is a front desk (thats where you'll be working). The small store has tons of bookshelves and has a cool almost hipster vibe to it. An older man that's roughly your height with brown hair and blue eyes walks up to you. "Hi, you must be Y/N, I'm Ben the owner of this bookstore" he says extending his hand to you. "Hello, i am Y/N nice to meet you" you reply shaking his hand, you notice that he's wearing a ring. Damn he is pretty cute. "Alrighty then i'll show you around and tell you what your job is" Ben says smiling and walking off with you following.


You and Max stroll towards the cafe, "Do you think Joji will mind that i gave Y/N his number?" you ask Max pushing your glasses up onto the bridge of your nose. Max just smirks and says, "Maybe but didn't he call her pretty last night?". "Oh yeah that's right, he had some dreamy look on his face like he was falling in loooooooove" you joke. You and Max laugh and walk into the cafe, you guys sit down and order some food. "So Max, whaddaya think of Y/N?" you smirk, "Yeah she's pretty and has a good sense of humor, shes hell nice too but don't you start thinkin i got feelins or any of that shit for her " Max replies smiling. "Do you Ian" he giggles leaning forwards and resting his head on his hands and smiling at you. You lean in and cup you're face, "How old are you? Five?" You ask chuckling. The two of you pull away as Max starts laughing.


You sit down at your new desk, you are a receptionist and the only employee at this bookstore. You find it a bit weird that you're the only employee but brush it off cause after all it is a small bookstore. Not much happens in the bookstore, it's a bit small but you like it. Ben strolls over smiling and hands you a book, "You looked a bit bored, sorry i dont get many customers but i thought you might like to read this". You take the book and read the cover and smile, "The Fault In Our Stars, is it a good read?" you ask. "Yes, very" he says and walks away, you open the book and begin to read.

A little while later the bell on the door rings, your stomach flips as you realize that's the sound of customers entering the store. Alrighty time to help some people. You put the book down, and smirk as a familiar voice says"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy wassup Y/N, MASSIVE LEGEND HERE". Max says as him, Ian and Joji walk in, you realize this is the first time you've seen Joji looking normal. You look at him, he has very defined cheekbones and a bit of stubble. He is actually quite handsome, he has a big frame. He'd probably give the best hugs. He looks up at you and you make eye contact and your heat flutters as he stares at you with those big, chocolate eyes. You look away and blush, you feel kinda attracted to him. "Hey so... umm what......what are you guys doing-g here" you manage to spit out feeling very flustered. "We just wanted to pop by and have a bit of a read" Ian says turning to Max and giving him a  mischievous smile whilst Joji just looks at the ground. "righty ho, i'm going to go find a book, catcha cunts" Max says smiling as hits Ian in the chest winking, " uh yeah same lets leave Joji to get to know Y/N a bit better" Ian says winking and walking off with Max. "You cunts don't even fucking read" Joji says smiling, you smile too as the two boys run off into a corner to 'read' some books.

Hey guys sorry i havent uploaded in a bit but ill try to upload regularly

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