Joji Miller

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after a few hours of watching YouTube you check the time, it's 4:30pm. you sigh as you close your laptop and get up off the couch. You walk to your fridge and open it, it's practically empty, you decide to go grocery shopping. you take out your braids and slip on a black long sleeve shirt, grey trackies and some converse. you grab your phone, earphones, keys and purse you step out into the hallway and lock your door. you glance at Joji's door, it's silent. you feel bad about what happened at the bookstore for some reason, you just dont really feel like talking to anyone right now. you put your earphones and start listening to the song Pink Lemonade by The Wombats. you jog down the stairs and decide to jog to the shops  aswell.

 a little while later you finally arrive back at the apartment carrying tons of bags. you were just shopping for food but you being you got distracted by things. you go up to your apartment and struggle to open the door with all the bags weighing your arms down. you drop your bags and sigh as you unlock your door. your just so over today. you put the stuff away and get changed into light blue pyjama shorts and a light pink t-shirt. you make yourself a bowl of pesto pasta and snuggle into your bed to watch some TV. after you've finished your dinner its around 7:00pm, you turn off the TV and open your laptop again. you go on Instagram and Facebook to check in with your friends, you chat to them for a bit then u grab your book and snuggle into your duna. around 9:00pm you hear the sound of something smashing. you sit up in bed feeling a lil bit panicked, a loud bang followed by more smashing makes wave of panic rush over you. you jump out of bed and run to joji's door to see if he's okay.

 "Joji!! Joji are you okay!? whats happening? are you okay!?" you say banging on his door. there's no reply. You bang on the door and shout more, still no reply so you open his door and run into his apartment. you see Joji lying on the ground in his kitchen having a seizure. Your heart stops, "Joji!! JOJI" you scream running over to him. his body is shaking so violently and you start to panic as you don't know what to do. you grab his arm "Joji! hey Joji! it's ok im here!" as you frantically grab your phone from your pocket and call Ian and he answers. "Ian help Joji's having a seizure!! what do i do!" you scream into the phone, "Y/N calm down, move all the objects around him away so he wont hit anything and hold him and just try to calm him down, Max and i will call an ambulance we are coming over right now" Ian says sounding very panicked but like he's done this beofre. you hang up and move all things away from Joji, you put your hands on his sholders and look into his eyes. "Joji, Joji look at me, it's going to be ok, calm down, it's ok, im here, its alright, calm down" you say, you lean down on his chest so you're basically hugging him. you start to quietly sing to him. 

Joji is still shaking but less violently now, Ian and Max burst through the door with the EMT close behind.  you stand up as the EMT rush over to Joji, Max comes up and wraps you in a big hug. you're shaking uncontrollably and your so scared, you bury your face in Max's chest as the EMT carry Joji out on a stretcher.

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