San Francisco

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Joji turns his head to look at you, he's still smiling. His smile is amazing it makes your stomach flip. "So Y/N, why'd ya move to New York?" Joji asks shyly, "Ah so the mysterious Joji does speak" you say smiling, he chuckles. "I needed to get away from... well ya know stuff...." you trail off at the end as you start to think about your old life. You used to live in San Francisco where you went to a great college. You were studying to become a physiotherapist and were doing quite well in all your classes and had a great group of friends. Your parents had wanted you to become a surgical doctor but that didn't really work out so you settled for physiotherapy. You enjoyed learning to be a physiotherapy and like your college. After a while your parents stopped paying for your college tuition because they had basically given up on you. They didn't think you were good enough or worthy of their money,love and attention, so they gave it all to your brother Daniel. Daniel was one of the best surgeons in the world, he lives in Japan treating people. Your parents always wanted you to be more like him. Your parents aren't very nice people, they're stuck up and judgmental. You didn't really fit in with your family. After they stopped paying your college tuition you started working because you knew that it wouldn't work out. You worked three jobs, by morning a bus driver by midday (??) a waitress and by night a pizza delivery girl. Eventually all the bills caught up to you and you couldn't afford to stay anymore. Once you weren't allowed to attend the college anymore you packed your bags and moved to New York. Your parents hadn't even called you yet. Typical.  "Y/N? Y/N?!" Joji said waving his hand in front of your face, you snapped back into reality. "Y-Yes? sorry i-i just got lost in my memories" you say looking up at you, "Y/N are you okay?" he says giving you a worried look. His voice is so soft and gentle, you wonder why he's so concerned. That's when you feel that you face is wet, you look at the ground and touch you cheeks. Tears are streaming down your face. You hadn't even realized that you were crying, all those memories brought so many emotions flooding back to you. Why am i crying?! Why! Why! Why! You wipe your face and look back up at Joji, "Uhh yeah... um im okay sorry i...." you stutter getting up and walking towards the back where the staff room is, you feel so embarassed. "Y/N wait! What happened? Are you okay?" Joji says quickly following behind you, you run into the staff room and shut the door behind you. "Y/N please come out" Joji begs, you slowly sink to the ground, slumped against the door you hug your knees to your chest. You sit there and let all your emotions out, you don't realize how much all of this has taken out of you. You cry and cry, you feel so alone and abandoned, you left everything you've ever known behind. After a few more minuets you hear  Joji walk away, you stand up and peer out of a little window in the staff room. Joji is talking to Max and Ian, they are all standing there looking confused. Ugh he's probably telling them about what a loser i am. All of a sudden Ben comes into the room, he sees your crying and immediately wraps you up in a big bear hug. He holds you tight, "Are you okay Y/N?" Ben asks. "Yes i... i just thought about some old memories" you say stepping away from Ben. Dammit now about four guys think im a total idiot yay. "Would you like to go home? It's nearly closing time anyway" he asks you kindly, you smile" Yes please, thanks". He walks you out, as you walk to your desk the boys look at you. You gather up your stuff as quickly as possible, you just want to get out of there. You're so embarrassed and just don't feel like talking to anyone. 


Y/N practically runs to her desk, grabs her stuff and heads for the door, "Guys come on" you say to Max and Ian as you three walk out of the store to try to catch up with her. You see her and run to catch up to her, "Hey you ok?" you say softly. She scratches her head sighs and finally says"Yeah i just need to go home, just dont worry bout it im fine k?". "k" you say as you study her face, Y/N is so pretty, she has brown/ blonde hair. She has green eyes and a small body , she's perfect. You're a bit worried about what happened today but decide not to ask about it for a bit. Max and Ian catch up with you guys and the four of you walk home together in silence.


It's only 2 when you guys get back to the apartment, Max and Ian call a cab to go back to their hotel. You and Joji take the stairs in silence. You walk to your door and unlock it you turn around to shut the door but Joji is standing there staring at you. Ugh im just so over everything, im really tired."You sure you're okay?" he asks one last time, "yes im fine just need some time to myself" you say , "alright then, i guess ill seeya around, bye Y/N" he says turning to leave. "Bye Joji" you say waving and closing your door. You feel exhausted, you chuck your bag/purse/backpack down, grab you laptop and plop down onto your couch. You order some Chinese food and open up YouTube, you search up the boys, subscribe and start watching. You've watched a few of Ian's content cops and some of Max's vlogs when your food arrives. You pay the delivery guy and sit back down, after watching a few more vids you notice there's this guy who keeps appearing in both of the boys videos. You find his channel which is called FilthyFrank, you click on a video called hair cake. You eat your noodles as you watch and immediately regret eating when watching that vid. you put your food down and finish the vid, you watch his other cake videos. Frank seems familiar for some reason, you cant pinpoint why though. After you finish watching them you feel like your going to be sick so you put your food in the fridge  and continue to watch YouTube for a bit. 

Hey guys hope u like the new chapter im trying to update reuglarly, ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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