Chapter 2 : No. No. No. Did I say no?

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November 1, 2009 (Sunday, 10 o'clock post meridiem)

Dear Diary,

Twinkle, twinkle little star... how I wonder what you are....

Up above the world so high, Like a Diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle little star... how I wonder what you are....

The lyrics don't fit me. Of course I knew what a star is. Basically, it is a glowing ball of swirling gas and dust. A star shines due to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen in its core releasing energy that traverses the star's interior and then radiates into outer space. Nevertheless, stars have been subjected to a lot of fictional stories, imaginations of human mind, and other by-products of a very complex natured creator called thoughts.

No one taught little Felicia Vitaya Romanov this song. She immediately loved that simple song after she first heard it when she was about...three years old. When she started violin lessons, she urged her mentor to teach her the tune. I watched her work, very hard, just to get the melody right in her favorite instrument. She studied it in five minutes. Well, not that it wasn't new...the five minute memorization, I mean. She learned 'River Flows in You' by Yiruma in about ten minutes and three seconds while I studied that certain musical sheet for about six minutes before playing it on my Baby (an awesome white grand piano). However, I required myself fifteen more minutes to correctly play it note by note on my Baby. That makes a total of freaking twenty one minutes. Yeah, I was beaten by my five year old sister...turning six actually.

Oh, by the way, she picked up from the old purple dinosaur who, it seems, never grows up no matter how many generations of child actors and actresses (who have already grown up) left Barney with his yellow and green friends. God knows I already have forgotten their names. Wait I'll go check their names on the net.

I found it! After a grueling three minutes and two seconds, I found their names! The green colored dinosaur is called BJ. On the other hand, the yellow girly one is named Baby Bop. I remember patronizing Barney when I was a kid. Oops, my bad. It was Hello Kitty I "worship" when I was young, innocent and still, carefree. Better be honest.


Good night my dear diary who's always there to record whatever my mind opt to share and write.

More love,



I love how the view outside, I think as I absorb the deafening quiet voices of the unknown.

The stars twinkle against the deep black sky. Night fell upon us once again. It is the time when we lay to rest - to sleep. It is the an opportunity to just lay down on a soft cushion and recall  events that happened in the wee hours of morning.

What happened earlier? Well, I would be lying if I said that I didn't expect it. The moment I stepped inside the dining room...I knew. It was The Moment.

So what exactly is moment?

Three hours ago, at seven o' clock, an awful...stress that AWFUL.... decision and promise has been made. I deeply truly, justly, accurately, wrongly agreed to the worst death sentence anyone could have suffered. Face Palm, I think as I mentally slapped my face.

FLASHBACK -  7o'clock pm. (same day)

There were five people sitting around our glass dining table : My father who's currently sipping coffee, my mother who's feeding little Felicia, and two very important to them guests.

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