Chapter 8 : Certain yet Obscure

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Hey readers, I will change the POV of the story (starting with this chapter) to mine and not Nataliya's. Keep FLVC!


Two full and agonizing weeks have passed since Hunter told Nataliya the story behind the play. It was creepy, yet, Nataliya found the story's creepiness to be an inspiration. It kept her alert and quick minded during hours and hours of practice. Every day, she became better despite the complexity of the steps.

In those two weeks, Nataliya and Hunter became closer than before. They have no more problem about their proximity with each other. If one would raise a million dollar question about the other, surely, they would win. Hours of practice in the city of New York gave way to that.

Although, they're friendship for each other grew deeper. Hunter never took the opportunity to tell Nataliya about the way he feels because he fears that Nataliya does not reciprocate the same feeling in that very same way. He believes that Nataliya only see him as a brother.

Unfotunately, that's where he's correct. Nataliya only see him as a friend...a brother. And nothing more than that.

They continued the kind of bond they have, through the odds.

It was 5 am, Friday, November 20 in upstate New York.

That morning, Nataliya had only one thing going on inside her head. Something kept her awake for hours the night before. She was anxious and nobody's to be blamed for that. Nobody.

There was something else....,Natalie thought.

It was so vivid...making it a thousand times horrifying. It was the same...all over again. But it was different at the same time. It was the first time it had been so vivid.

And she was scared.

It was, finally, the day of the dance. It was, to Natalie, the dreaded day. Not that she will fail. She was practically the best ballet dancer ever seen by any mentor alive on Earth. She was dreading this day because...that's just the way she feels. It was completely unexplainable. A kind of enigma.

At least I'm not losing my head on the day of my play, She thought so as she pulls on her cream colored boots.

They were required to come early on that cold November 20 morning. They were to have a one final practice before preparation.

In actuality, she was giddy with excitement....for the preparation, at least. Yesterday, they had the final fitting of the costumes and Nataliya was very happy with her's. It was frilly, white and light. She feels like an angel while wearing those clothes. She believes that it will really help her internalize her role.

She met Hunter halfway to the ballet studio. She can't help but sigh as she made a quick look at his face. Not much has change since she met him. Well, except for the fact that Hunter have an unspoken feelings for Nataliya.

"You cut your hair short?" Nataliya bewilderedly ask.

"Ah...yeah." Hunter wound his hand through his close cropped hair. "Just yesterday night...after I brought you home."

"You never told me you had plans!" Natalie smiled.

"Did I have plans?" Hunter made a thinking gesture, "Nah, I don't. It was kind of a .... rush thing?"

" 'kei. Come on, I don't want to be late on the day of my play."

She's still the same beautiful girl I met......And I wish nothing would change, Hunter thought as he trut besides Natalie.

"so, have you had a good night's sleep?" Hunter politely asked.

"Not quite, really."


"Uhmmm...well, nothing really."

"You're kidding me right? There's a reason."

"Uhm, none. I promise"

"I don't believe your promise." Hunter stopped Natalie from walking. "Tell me."

I took a wavering but deep breath before answering his question. "Last night, I had a dream...well more of like, I don't know....a vision?" I'm not kidding. There was the feeling of "precognition" to it.

"In the my dreams, there was this guy....his face keeps appearing to me every night. And on each night, details became much much more vivid. The past days were nothing compared to what I saw last night."

Hunter reluctantly asked his question, "So what's with this guy?"

"I don't know....he just seemed...You know what, never mind what I said. It might've been an imagination or something."


Nataliya took another deep breath while trying to reassure her self that everything was ordinary and nothing was out of the norms.

There it was, after hours of grueling preparation and practices, that the time for the play have finally arrived. There was a high humming of energy roaming around the theater as both the hopes of the dancers, the trainors, and the watchers for a pleasing and excellent performance takes its tolls. The theater quickly filled up with all sorts of people.

All these people stared in awe as Nataliya danced her way through the story. She was beautiful and radiant. The spotlight giving enhancement to the wonders told by the play. Everyone was mesmerized and among them was  a bronze haired boy.

He can't believe how a girl could make simple dance movements seem fluid and graceful. She was the perfect embodiment of her angelic character . . . the perfect centerpiece of the epic story.

Alas the show was over. The young boy ushered his grandfather outside. The old man, however, wanted to go backstage to congratulate everyone. Unknown to the young boy, the old man was quite popular and he was a generous contributor of stories to the company of dancers. The young man led his grandfather backstage and there, something happened.

 "Great show everyone! And of course, congratulations to our lead stars!" The dance instructor said. Calls of great pleasure and fun were heard all throughout the dressing rom.

The old man entered and silence filled the room. "Congratulations, you've done justice to my story."


Keep reading! :D

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