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      The next morning, Benny was woken, not by the screaming of his alarm, but rather by the screaming of the baby on his chest. "Shh shh Gabi, it's ok." He sat up and checked the little girl's diaper. "Aw baby don't worry were going to get you some food and diapers, just let me get dressed really quick." He threw on his sweatpants and a t-shirt before he picked up the girl and heading to the bodega.

      "Morning Benny. Who's the little one?" Sonny asked from his spot sitting on the counter with Graffiti Pete standing next to him and leaning on said counter.

      "This is Gabriela, and you know that 'Snavi doesn't like you to sit on the counter."

      "He also doesn't like Pete in here so-"

      "So you should change that." Usnavi said as he walked out of the storage room.

      "Fine." Pete said. "I have to hit the hay anyway." He kissed Sonny's cheek before he left the store.

      "What do you need man?" Usnavi asked.

      "The location of diapers and formula?"

      "Far left isle on your right side."

      "Thank you so much."

      "No problemo, now do you want me to watch my goddaughter while you shop?"

      "Who says you're her godfather?"

      "All the other male friends you don't have."

      "True, and yes you can watch her, but don't take the washcloth away from her, it's the only thing keeping her from bustin' our eardrums."

      "Sir yes sir." Usnavi replied with a salute before he reacher for Gabriela.

      "She's so tiny." Sonny said, leaning over to look at the baby while slurping at his slushie.

      "You were that same size when you were that age, actually you were smaller."

      Sonny rolled his eyes, "You're just saying that 'cause you think I'm short."

      "No homey, he's saying that because you're short." Benny said setting his supplies on the counter.

      "Well sorry Mr. Six-foot."

      Benny chuckled as Usnavi checked him out, "Fifteen twenty-five."

      "No way Usnavi. The diapers were twenty and I got three packs."

      "Family and friend's discount."

      "If that's the discount I should be getting slushies and cola for free." Sonny objected from the slushie machine.

      "You do get them for free." Usnavi rebuttled.

      "Yeah....but I don't like getting nagged about it."

      "You know what will stop the nagging?" Benny asked as he got both his purchase and daughter handed to him.

      "No, what?" Sonny asked sitting up straighter at the notion of getting out from under his cousin's thumb.

      "Study, it'll get you out of here, help your grades, and make it easier for you to get to college. Trust me on this."

      "I'm tryin' but the teachers just make it too complicated."

      "You can always e-mail Nina."

      "Speaking of Nina how are you going to explain," He gestured to Benny and Gabriela, "that to her."

      "I don't know yet, heck I don't even know if Kevin will let me see her again, and this is the sort of thing you need to tell someone in person."

      "Wait, wait, wait." Usnavi interupted. "Does Kevin know about my goddaughter?"


      "And you're still alive? Yeah I'm sure you'll be fine."

      "He had some pretty interesting things to say to me."

      "Compared you to Him?"

      Benny scoffed, "Cause it's not like the man left when I was five and I haven't seen him since."

      "Who are we talking about?" Sonny asked.

      "Nothing you need to know about." Usnavi said. "You should probably head home Benny. I'm sure Gabby's really wanting to be changed."

      Benny nodded grateful for his friend's ending of the conversation. "See you later guys."

A.N. Sorry for the short chapter, but these next chapters will be really good I promise.

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