Everyone Needs Help

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    Benny stood in front of the doorway of the Rosario's apartment, Usnavi had gone back to his apartment after making sure his friend was comfortable doing this. It's not like Benny blamed him for wanting to go back to bed, in the past weeks Benny has learned how much owning your own business takes out of you. Benny knocked on the cold wood apartment door and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he sees Camila's face in the doorway instead of Kevin's, why not try and put the inevitable off for just a few more minutes.

"Hello?" Camila asked, voice full of sleep and with uncertainty in her voice, most likely due to the fact that she can't fully see who she was addressing do to the darkness on the stoop

"Hello, Mrs. Rosario. May I come in?" Benny voiced was filled with nervousness, which didn't help the situation any.

"Of course, of course." Camila ushered Benny in through the doorway, and Benny got a good look at her for the first time. She was in her robe and slippers with eyes half open, it seems like none of the adults in the barrio are getting a full night's rest tonight.

"I'm so sorry for waking you," Benny says, genuine sincerity in his voice.

"It's ok. You're family and I am always available for family. Now what you have in your arms?" Benny noticed there was a hint of excitement in her voice.

"The reason behind why I came here." While talking Benny tried to make himself look smaller, a habit he had gotten into during his youth before he decided that no one would be able to push him around.

Camila gestured him into the home more and the two went to the living room and took their seats. "Now spill Benny."

Wow Camila really has the whole mom look down, maybe if I survive this she can teach it to me, Benny thinks

"Ok, so you remember Tiffany?"

Camila grimaced and but answered anyway. "Yes, that girl you dated last spring." Benny noticed that Camila paused before choosing the word girl.

"Yep, we'll she stopped by my apartment and gave me a gift."

Camila furrowed her eyebrows, "Benjamin, what did she give you?"

Benny looked down in shame, partially due to having his full name used and partially due to having gotten himself into the situation at hand. "My daughter."


Benny snapped his head up at the sound of Kevin's booming voice. "It was a drunk night. I swear sir, I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Are you going to give her up for adoption?" Camila asked, gently laying a hand on Benny's arm, trying to defuse the situation as always.

"No, ma'am." Benny tightened his hold on Gabriela. It didn't matter how he got her Gabriela was his daughter and he loved her. There was no way that Benny wasn't going to make sure that Gabriela knew that every day of her life

"It takes a lot to care for a child," Kevin said from his spot, leaned against the hallway entrance, facial expression and body position giving off an air of smugness.

"I know sir that's why I'm more than ready to take a second job." Benny wasn't sure how he would do it, but he would make sure that Gabriela would have everything she needed.

"And who will take care of her while she's working?" Kevin asked, trying to shoot holes in Benny's idea.

"Usnavi already offered his and Sonny's help."

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