Sleeping bags

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I'm not sure how it happened.

Let me start from the beginning.

I woke up in a cold sweat, the nightmare I just had was swirling around my mind like a monstrous tornado.

A woman begging for her loves life, my father sneering at her as he continues to point his wand at the whimpering man. A crowd around them, two others pleading for mercy towards their son.

From my point of view, I could see everything, but all the figures were shadows, except my father, Lord Voldemort.

What could this mean? Are they the same man and woman as my other dream, if show, where is the child? Is it dead!?

I don't understand what's going on with my dreams lately, but for some reason, my body always reacts to them like a nightmare, even if the dream isn't particularly scary.

Shaking my head, I climbed out of bed, and got ready for classes.

Me and Draco were the only ones of our group to be eating in the great hall.
It was quite early in the morning, so not many students were up yet.

I settled with a nice plate of (f/b/f) whilst Draco went for some blueberry pancakes and some apple juice.

'God, if he loves apples so much why doesn't he marry one!?.....ahem.....sorry'

We both ate in a comfortable silence, before the others had started to arrive.

Soon it was midday, and about half an hour away from lunch, I sat at the back, leaning on my forearm, as Professor Snape droned on and on about stuff either I knew who couldn't give two nifflers about.

"Miss Riddle! What did I just say?" I heard his dull voice snap.

Lazily looking up, I replied with, "whatever crap you were babbling on about" I smirked and saw several students snicker at my response and Snape's slightly shocked face.

I knew he wouldn't give me a horrible punishment for back chatting him, but I also knew that I probably should have just shrugged.

"Miss Riddle please escort yourself from my lesson and next time, return with the care to actually pass one of your classes!" He sneered turning his back to me.

With a roll of my eyes, I packed up my bag and left the classroom.

'I'm ahead in all of my classes I'll have him know!'

I decided I could use my free time to go for a fly. Dropping my stuff off at my dorm, I made my way towards the forest.

Once I got to the edge of the forest, I sensed a familiar presence.

"SIRIUS!" I whisper-yelled to my self, shifting quickly and running into the forest.

It didn't take me long to find him, he was dozing against a fallen tree trunk.

Smirking I decided to scare him.

"Ha I finally caught you!" He jolted away at my deep voice, but once he saw that it was me, a smile adorned his face as he gave a small chuckle.

"Very cheeky Riddle, very cheeky, I'm guessing you got kicked out of class no?" He grinned, I shifted back and was now shorter than him.

"I escorted myself out mutt get it right" I laughed.

He told me about how he was taking refuge in the forest, whilst he was looking for his friend Peter.

"He takes the form of a rat nowadays, bloody thing, there's loads of them around here!" He growled, kicking a stone.

'Ron's rat Muggers or something like that has been around for a while, I wonder if that's him!' I wondered.

Suddenly the air started to get really cold and I knew dementors where near by, I told Sirius I would assist Lupin to help him get into the castle tonight, but I had to bid my fair well to him as the dementors would follow my scent long enough for him to escape.

And that's exactly what I did, I helped Professor Lupin let Sirius in, and now this has happened.

Because the mutt made a big mistake, we all had to sleep in the great hall.
In uncomfortable sleeping bags.

I lay next to Draco, who is softly sleeping, I could hear his small snores, and not to mention the bear snores of Crabbe and Goyle, seriously how am I supposed to get to sleep!?

Dumbledore had everyone who wasn't a student looking for Sirius, and said something to Snape that I didn't bother listening to.

I just hope he doesn't get caught!

A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating, I've just been so tired!
But luckily I finish for half term, at midday on Wednesday so I have plenty of chance to do some updating!

If you're a fan of Marvel and haven't checked out my Marvel fanfic, what are you waiting for go check it out, it should be updated tomorrow morning (UK time) as i'm about to go to sleep!

I've been watching The Hobbit whilst doing homework about an hour ago, and it got me really wanting to start a Tolkien fanfic.

My only issue with that is that if I have 3 fanfics, updating will probably be slower, but if you guys really want one, I'll do one! Comment if you do!
It would be a reader insert as normal!
(Probably Legolas x Reader)

Thank you!

See you next time Riddles!

~Verkira 🖤

Ps: Check out my friend Lou's account lk-hitch I think that they are an amazing writer, and even though I don't know what their fanfic if based one it's still interesting.
If you like paranormal stuff that's the place to be!

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader} (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now