Ch 2 - Overprotective Sister

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While Gasper and Tahlia were getting to know each other, there was one member of the Gremory household that didn't like the idea but knew she couldn't speak out against it. Koneko said goodbye to her friends and decided that if she couldn't get involved that she would do it secretly. She looked until she found a vent opening that was close to the Gasper's room. She carefully got the grate off making sure no one was around and slid into the vent. Once she made sure the cover was on to no one could tell that anything was wrong with it and crawled to the vent that lead to Gasper's room. When she got to the vent and peered through she got mad. She saw that the girl was standing right next to him. It took everything she had not to bust into the room. She trusted Rias' judgment but was very protective of Gasper. He was the first person that she had felt a bond with and didn't want to be pushed to the side.


"I never had seen another vampire besides my dad." Gasper said to Tahlia.

"Well now you have." she said while giggling.

Gasper found her pretty. He got up from his desk and asked. "Do you want to go get something to eat off of school grounds?"

Gasper was shy but his curiosity was getting the better of him.

"Sure." Tahlia said.

"Okay I know a nice place that serves some of the best food around. Let's hurry and get there." Gasper said.

As they get to the door, Tahlia grabbed his hand. Her hand felt warm and his heart started racing again. He also blushed from a girl holding his hand. They left heading out holding hands the entire time.

Koneko had enough. As soon as they were gone she kicked the grate open, sending it flying across the room to where it hit the wall on the other side. As soon as she climbed out, Rias appeared from a summoning circle.

"I knew I would find you here. Back to the ORC now!" Rias yelled.

Koneko's ears flattened down knowing that she was in trouble and walked to the ORC with Rias following right behind her. When they ot inside the ORC, Rias had calmed down and said "Sit." to Koneko. Koneko sat down thinking she was going to be punished severely for violating an order.

"Koneko please explain why you disobeyed me." Rias said in a calm and polite manner.

"Gasper was my first friend and I feel if he falls in love with her that he will just push me aside and it would make me feel abandoned again." Koneko said truthfully to Rias.

Rias just sighed knowing the emotions that Koneko was struggling with. She went and sat next to Koneko on the couch and pulled her into a hug.

"I know how you are feeling but trust me when I say that he would never do that. You are his best friend and he won't abandon you. None of us will. He does need you to be supportive though. Can you please do that for him? It's your job to make sure he is happy and having a girlfriend makes him happy then you should stand by his side and support him. Rias said.

"I will do my best. I promise you." Koneko said.


Gasper lead Tahlia to an oriental restaurant. He found them a booth. Instead of picking opposite sides, Tahlia sat down on the same side as him. He told the waitress what they wanted. When the food got there, Tahlia was in shock. She had never seen so much food for just two people.

"Is this all for us?" she asked.

"Yes. Have you never seen this much before?" Gasper asked.

Tahlia blushed and went silent like she had something to say but didn't want to say it.

"It's alright. You don't have to tell me anything that you don't want to. Let's just enjoy the meal okay?" he said.

Tahlia nodded and they dug into the food. For once Tahlia was happy without having to force a smile. She looked at Gasper and started to have a nice feeling about being around him. Little did she know that she was starting to fall in love with him.

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