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Rias appears out of a summoning circle with Akeno by her side. As soon as they see Gasper lying on the floor, Akeno and Rias instantly rushed to his side.

"What happened?" Rias asked in a calm manner.

"I told him my full name and when I told him that I loved him he passed out." Tahlia said in a panicky voice.

"Akeno pick him up and get him to Sona." Rias commanded.

"Yes Mistress." Akeno said grabbing Gasper up and teleporting out of the room.

"Did I do something wrong?" Tahlia asked while shaking from being nervous.

"No. You didn't do anything wrong. Gasper hasn't ever had a girlfriend and it was just a shock to him that someone would love him in that way. You're fine. He will be alright." Rias said.

As soon as Rias got done saying something to Tahlia, Tsubaki (Sona's Queen) appeared out of a circle.

"Gasper will be fine. We are taking care of him now. Give it about fifteen minutes and he should be awake and fine." Tsubaki said.

"Thank you Tsubaki. Please pass my thanks on to Sona." Rias said.

With that Tsubaki teleported out of the room. Tahlia started crying. She was worried about Gasper. Rias grabbed her into a hug and held her.

"Shh it will be alright. He is fine." Rias said while showing Tahlia affection.

Rias teleported both her and Tahlia to the ORC. As soon as they arrive in the ORC, Koneko saw that Tahlia was crying and instantly took Tahlia from Rias. Koneko sat Tahlia on the couch and cuddle up next to Tahlia holding her and petting her head trying to get Tahlia to calm down. Rias explained what had happened. After Rias got done explaining, Sona appeared out of a circle holding a cheerful Gasper. As soon as Gasper saw Tahlia, his face got red from embarrassment.

"Tahlia. I'm fine." Gasper said.

Tahlia turned her head to look at Gasper and started crying even harder. Sona put Gasper on the ground and as soon as he was on the ground, he ran straight to Tahlia's side and hugged her.

"Those two will be great for each other. Nice one Rias." Sona said.

Rias gave Sona a hug and said "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Well I will be off now. Got a bunch of stuff to do." Sona said.

Sona teleported out. Issei came in.

"What's the fuss all about?" Issei asked all of a sudden.

Out of nowhere Issei gets hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat.

"You insensitive dick!" yelled Asia.

"What the hell did I do now?" Issei asked.

"Do you pay attention to anything around here?" yelled Asia.

Everyone started to laugh at Issei. Even Tahlia started laughing. Everyone looked at her in shock and then smiled. It was the first time any of them had heard her laugh (except Gasper).

It seemed to Rias that everyone was going to get along and that Tahlia was going to fit in just fine.

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