Part 15

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Kai slowly came back to consciousness and looked around the cave he was in, his head was pounding and his legs wouldn't move.
    "Hello??" Kai was beginning to panic.
    "Hello Kai." A very low voice said, he saw no source for the sound to come out of but we went with it anyway.
    "Jax's thoughts were flooded with you so you killed him. You made him die because you distracted him with your love. It's pathetic really." The voice laughed with a mocking tone.
    "SHUT UP" Kai screamed out, letting tears stream down his face.
    "Your love is dead and it's all your fault, Kai."
    "No it's not my fault.. I told him not to."
    "But you killed him. You loved him and killed him."
    "But you did."
    "You killed him.. I loved him.." Kai whimpered.
    "Now you die." The voice said calmly.
    He walked out of the shadows with a smirk a his face and he was already covered in blood, he looked insane. He was tall and had one eye, his hair was black with one grey streak on the left side. He was tan and had a scar down his forehead, under his eyepatch, and to his jaw.
    He wore all black except his white apron that was splattered in a crimson liquid, his black shirt was rolled up to his elbows and his black jeans were ripped across his right knee and he walked with a slight limp.
    Kai heard a laugh from the shadows and the voice spoke again, "Kill him, Felton. Make me proud."
    Kai struggled then looked up at the man above him and then saw a needle in his hand and he tried to get away but it was futile, he got stabbed in the neck with the needle and felt himself drop to the floor. He was frozen, unable to control his body, unable to speak, unable to function.
    He closed his eyes and let his mind wander to happier times.
    I hear someone's laugh, it sounds warm and makes me feel safe. I can't think of whose it is but it makes me so happy hearing it. I can hear someone's voice but yet again I can't pinpoint whos it is. It makes me so happy.
    Kai began to cry as he realized it was Jax who was laughing and talking, he realized he would never see Jax again.
    He looked around after a while and saw blood everywhere. It was his. The crimson liquid was everywhere but then he realized he was missing his legs, he began to scream in terror as he realized all this blood was his.
    Kai heard the laughter from Lazaro and Felton, they enjoyed his pain, they were mocking him.
    His terror turned to anger when he realized Lazaro is the reason he is like this, he is the reason Jax his dead. Lazaro needed to die.
    "LAZARO!" Kai yelled with a hint of pain in his voice, "YOU'RE A FUCKING COWARD!"
    Lazaro stopped laughing and was listening to this mortal call him a coward, "You call me a coward but you watched me kill your love, you did nothing."
    I had to get him out here before I died, I needed to kill him, I needed to avenge Jax.
    My vision was going black as I started to regain feeling in my body, the pain was horrendous. I was going to die.

    "Let him bleed out." Lazaro said in a cold tone, "Torture him."
Felton walked back into the now crimson room and cracked his knuckles then walked over to Kai with a look of sadness in his eyes, "I'm sorry." He whispered into Kai's ear.
    Then everything went black for Kai.

    His smile was there but it wasn't real, was his father hurting him again? I'm 14 years old again at the creek with him. His smile didn't reach his eyes so I knew something was up, he wasn't taking off his shirt, he wasn't acting like himself. Who was this boy in front of me? It wasn't the Jax I knew.
    "Hey.. Sorry I'm not being myself." Jax whispered.
    "What's going on?"I questioned.
    Jax's shoulders tensed and he spoke quietly, "I don't want to live in a world where monsters attack us. We are human beings..." He looked down and continued, "I got attacked.."
    "What? Show me!!" I said in a hushed tone.
Jax took off his shirt to reveal claw and bite marks covering his body, I walked towards him and touched the marks and he winced in pain.
    "Let me bandage it.. Please?" I whispered as I held back my tears. I hated when he was in pain because I love him.

    Kai opened his eyes and screamed then looked around to see what was causing this awful pain. He realized that remembering these things physically hurt him, he missed Jax more than anything and it hurt just to think about it.
    Kai also realized that he's been in love with Jax since they were kids and nothing would change that, not even death. He would reunite with Jax even if that meant dying too.
    "Just kill me..." Kai whispered with a sad tone in his voice, "JUST FUCKING KILL ME ALREADY!" Kai screamed.
    Felton stepped out of the shadows, "As you wish."
    He held up a sword and sliced down into Kai's skull, a loud crunch came from his head, splattering blood on the once white walls.
Kai was dead.

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