Spellbound: Act III

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Act III (England X Reader)

A/N: Yaaaaay!! It's the Finale!! XD It hasn't been easy for me to write this especially near the middle but then it got quite easy after I got done with the saddest part... ^w^ I guess I should stop talking now so you can get on with this lol :3 so please do enjoy and don't be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank yous!! X3

Also, I would like to give a special thanks to one of my readers, cballard94, on Wattpad who helped me with this act!! I'm glad I was able to talk to ya!! So thank you for the awesome inspiration!!


"A-Arthur..." You whispered in pain. "Why did you do that...? Idiot..."

You laid there not wanting to move away from him for if you did you thought that just by doing so his life would suddenly disappear. But finally after about five minutes of crying and sobbing you drew in a shaky breath and sat up finding him still unconscious. You held back more of your tears as you tried to rack your brain for anything that could help him but alas you were coming up with blanks. Not to mention if you did come up with an idea it would probably have to deal with magic. And well...you definitely weren't a magician...unless... You turned your gaze up towards the spell book. Maybe you can find something in there.

You quickly get to your feet and ran over to the table. You grabbed the book in desperation and started to flip through the pages. But not even a few in you saw that you couldn't understand the words they were all in Latin.

"Damn..." You muttered. "Of course it had to be in Latin..." You could hear the sarcasm drip off of your dark words. You sighed in annoyance and flipped the book around after finding nothing that you could use. That's when you saw black writing on the back cover in the very bottom right corner. Squinting real close you soon realized that it was a pair of numbers and right beside it had two names of the owners.

"Norway? And Romania?" You scrunched your eyebrows together in confusion. "Why are there countries name on here...?"

You suddenly heard Arthur groan a little causing your heart to twist and turn with anxiety. You needed to find help quick and by the looks of it whoever this "Norway" and "Romania" guys are they might be able to help with this. So with a shaky breath you pulled out your cell phone and dialed the first of the foreign numbers. After about three rings you heard a small male's voice pick up causing you to gulp.

"Um, hello?" You managed. You didn't hear anything from the other side so you continued hoping to get an answer. "N-Norway? Um, this is [f/n] [l/n], a close friend of Arthur's..."

"..." Still nothing. He must be very shy or something but then why did he pick up?

"U-Uhh..." You gulped again only to look back at Arthur who was still lying still where you left him. From seeing this you suddenly found a new strand of courage and cleared your throat. "Look, I don't know if you're a friend of his but I need your help... I don't know how he did it but he used a binding spell on himself to save me and-"

"I'll be right there," Was all that you got before the line went dead. Confused, you slowly brought your phone down only to look at it weirdly.

"Who is this man?" You wondered. "Oh well just as long that he comes I don't care who he is as long as he can get Arthur back to normal..."

You suddenly heard a set of footsteps coming down the stairs in a rushing like manner. Since you really couldn't see on that side of the room you waited only hearing the footsteps proceeding towards you until a pair of legs appeared in the light. You continued to watch as the rest of this person came into the light making you turn your gaze up at his face. He has short, light blond hair and a small detached hair curl and dull blue eyes. He's wearing a belted, navy blue sailor top with a lighter blue collar, tie, and cuffs, with matching pants and sailor hat. You couldn't help but to be curious on the odd looking outfit but that was soon forgotten when he looked past you over at Arthur who was now murmuring in his sleep.

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