Candyman: Act I

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Act I (England X Reader)

A/N: Okay, okay... *takes in a deep breath* I just couldn't help myself!! This song is just so catchy and at the same time embarrassing... >/////< But I got this idea from this song and weeell I'm not sure on how to handle this... X3 But other than me dying from fan-gasms, I should be fine XD so ENJOY IGGY!! Cause' I sure am!! *waggles eyebrows* 

Eng: Ahem...

Me: What?

Eng: ... *Stares at you for a minute before shaking his head* You are seriously twisted...

Me: Le gasp!! *watches him with shock only to bow* Why thank you...

Eng: I wasn't complimenting--you know what, I don't care anymore... *Shakes head while pinching the bridge of his nose*

Me: Suuure... That's what you say now... *hugs him* But deep down you're a soft teddy bear!

Eng: ...

Me: *Cuddles closer* Riiiight?

Eng: Whatever... *Looks away with blushing cheeks*

Me: Anyways!!!! *snickers looking back at England* Please don't be shy with commenting and/or faving!! *whispers secretly* I'm sure he wouldn't mind it either...

Eng: What did you just say about me!? *glares*

Me: N-Nothing!! *blushed innocently while waving hands around* But let's get on with the show!! So enjoy!! ^w^


(Whispers) Sweet. Sugar. Candyman.

I met him out for dinner on a Friday night
He really had me working up an appetite.

He had tattoos up and down his arm
There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm.

He's a one stop shop, makes the panties drop
He's a sweet-talkin', sugar coated candyman
A sweet-talkin', sugar coated candyman.


You smiled pulling out one of the headphones from your ears just as you stopped in front of the familiar front desk that you were staying at for the night. You quickly said a small hello to the clerk only to receive a small nod from him as he stood up and leaned over the desk giving you a sweet smile. 

"May I help you, Miss?" He smiled.

"Um, yeah," You smiled back adjusting your duffle bag back onto your shoulder. "I was wondering if you had any rooms open tonight..."

"Yup, they're sure are," He nodded bringing his attention down to the papers on his desk. "There's actually only a few suites left..."

"Suites!?" Your eyes widened. "Isn't there anything less expensive?"

"Well..." He flipped through them only to slowly nod his head side to side. "Sorry Miss, but that's all that we have for tonight."

"Seriously!?" You whined only to sigh while getting out your credit card since you know you don't have that much cash on you right now. "Whelp, I guess I'll take one...even thought I really don't want to..."

"Alright," He nodded getting all of the paperwork ready. Soon enough you were handing him your card and paid for the room. As he handed back your card as well as your new keys to your room but just as you said your thanks and turned around you accidentally bumped into a rather firm chest. You quickly stepped back with blushing cheeks.

"O-Oh! S-Sorry!" You took a small bow before passing the guy. But of course you got a quick glance causing your blush to redden even more than before. The guy you bumped into was hot! And not the average kind of hot but the sexy kind of hot! Even though you only got a small glance you noticed that he was a blonde (or glowy that's what you call them) and had very emerald glittering eyes. You also noticed two very large eyebrows on top of his head but even with those he was very attractive. And of course you just took notice to what song you were listening to. Candyman by Christina Aguilera. Perfect timing you had to say.

"Oh, man..." You covered your mouth with your hand before you squeaked as your cheeks continued to warm up. "Who is that guy!? I'm definitely going to find out soon..." 


(Arthur's POV)

"O-Oh! S-Sorry!" I saw her hair fall forward taking a small bow before running off.

"Um, that's quite alright, love," I responded only to notice that she was long gone causing me to sigh. Shrugging my shoulders not caring on the matter, I slowly walked up to front desk finding the clerk looking down at his paperwork. "Excuse me?"

"Mm?" He hummed before looking up at me. "Oh, hello sir. Do you need a room for the night?"

"Yes, that would be nice," I ruffled my hair a bit out of exhaustion. 

"Is a suite alright, sir?" He asked flipping through his papers once more.

"Yes, yes..." I waved my hand in the air. "That will be fine..."

"Alright," He smiled only to hand me a few papers, I quickly signed them, payed for the room and received my keys for the night. I gave him a quick thanks before turning around and headed straight for the elevator hoping to find my room quick before I fall from exhaustion. 

"It sure has been one hell of a day..." I sighed pushing the down button for the elevator. "I can't wait to lay down onto that bed and relax before that meeting tomorrow..."


(Your POV)

"Ah~ finally..." You smiled opening the door that you fought with trying to get it open. Finally after the tenth time you got it open only to find a room with a king size bed and a rather nice looking interior. You smiled with satisfaction and set your duffle bag down onto the desk near the window that overlooked the city. Your room was on the seventh floor so you were up pretty high causing you to awe at the sight as you pulled away the curtains. Finally after you pulled yourself away from the windows, you zipped open your bag only to pull out your shampoo and conditioner and all of that stuff for your shower. After all you were tired and a nice quick shower sounded really good right then. 

"I wonder what I should do tomorrow..." You thought out loud. "I'm in England right now so... maybe I should visit London after all I am outside the city..."

You held in your excitement as you opened the bathroom door closing it behind you not even bothering to lock it after all your alone. So getting ready for your shower, you turned on the water before slipping off your clothing and hopped in. Before you knew it you were singing to yourself not noticing the newcomer unlocking your front door with their card.


(Arthur's POV)

After swiping my card for the third time it finally opened allowing me to walk inside. I sighed with annoyance debating whether or not to go back downstairs to get a new card after all this one wasn't working to well. Or it could just be the lock... So not caring right at that moment I slowly set my briefcase down onto the king sized bed allowing me to shrug off my jacket. Once I slipped off my shoes and took a quick look around the room I quickly turned towards the bathroom and slowly opened the door. 

But just as I did a small breeze of humid air hit me as I looked inside also hearing the pit pat of water falling in the shower. Confused, I immediately heard a shrilled scream just as my eyes met a young girl who's face was beat red while she covered her body. 

"G-Get out!" She screamed.

"OH MY GOD! I'm so sorry!" I freaked and slammed the door shut. Covering my mouth with my hand, I could already feel my cheeks turning beat red as well as I tried to comprehend on what just happened. 

"What the hell was that!?" I thought.

It wasn't until now that I notice the small clues that clearly someone else had this room too. Over on the desk was a teal duffle bag opened as well as a pair of converse on the floor telling me the facts. Not to mention the curtains were wide open.

"Oh god..." I gulped thinking of the worst. "I'm so dead..."


After your shrill scream and the door slamming shut, you immediately shut off the water and grabbed for a towel. 

"What the hell was that!?" Your heart wouldn't slow down. "Who would just barge into a bathroom without knocking!? Who was that!? And more importantly why is he in my room!?"

You slowly got out of the shower as you tried to calm down your nerves but they just wouldn't! You mean, you were just eye raped by a man that you don't even know! No wonder your body won't stop shaking. But after a couple of minutes you finally calmed down enough to get dressed but to your surprise you couldn't find your clothes! That's when you remembered, you didn't grab them.

"Oh god..." You gulped looking back at the door. "What do I do now!? This has never happened to me before..."

Finally after a couraged breath, you slowly opened the door taking a peak on where this guy was. To your surprise he was still in the room sitting on the edge of the bed while he combed his hand through his hair and leaned forward onto his knees muttering to himself. But that's not what was bothering you, it was him! The guy from the lobby! So with wide eyes you quickly closed the door once again only to try to control you redden face by fanning yourself with your hands. But even that wasn't working.

"I-It's him!?" You panicked. "Why did it have to be him!?"

After about five minutes of this you somehow found courage and slowly opened the door again and leaned out just enough so you could see him again. 

"U-Um," You opened your mouth. You saw his body tense up at the sound of your voice as you tried to continue. "C-Could you I can get my clothes, please?"

"Y-Yeah, of course," He stood up from his spot and walked over to the door but just as his hand hovered over the door knob, he stopped but didn't turn back around. "A-And I-I'm really sorry for barging in like that..."

"I-It's okay...I guess," You told him even though you weren't sure on how to feel about this right now. He slowly nodded and walked out into the hallway. After he was gone, you quickly bolted out of the bathroom and dug out undergarments, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for the night and brushed your hair. Once you were done you slowly walked over to the front door and opened it with a small breath of courage. You soon found him leaning against the opposite wall with his arms crossed, eyes closed in thought, and his eyebrows twitching in embarrassment. "U-Um...You-You can come in now."

He jumped at the sound of your voice again but nodded and slowly walked past you back into the room. Watching him with tinted cheeks, you saw him go over to where the windows were and stood there looking out into the small city. You closed the door behind you before you found your way to the bed and sat down onto the edge in awkward silence as you messed with your hands until you couldn't take it anymore. You need to know if he saw anything or not.

"U-Um," You twitched in the silence, blushing. "You-You didn't...see anything, right?"

"What!?" He turned around all flustered while waving his hands in front of him and shaking his head side to side as his cheeks turned a crimson red. "N-No! I didn't see anything weird! N-Not that you're weird--I mean, you're really beautiful--as in you, yourself is pretty! N-Not your body--I mean, ah! I'll shut up now..." He looked away with redden cheeks while holding his hand over his mouth obviously stopping himself from splurging out more embarrassing words. 

"..." You blinked a few times not expecting such a long answer in return. But you were soon laughing at his splurged of words of embarrassment finding them very amusing causing him to turn around with shock. "N-No, it's okay...I'm glad to hear that..."  

"O-Oh..." He sighed with relief.

"A-And well..." You stood from your spot and walked up to him while holding out your hand to him. "I guess I'll go and fix this downstairs..." You smiled. "After all I don't think you want to stay with me any longer so if I can have your card and then--"

"N-No," He sighed while rubbing the back of his neck not looking you in the eye. "You're already unpacked so I'll go and fix this and get another room..."

"O-Oh...okay," You watched him return back to the door. But before he could even walk out the door's frame you were already following him, he noticed this and looked over his shoulder at you with a raised eyebrow. You blushed and smiled small explaining, "I just wanted to go see how this all happened..." 

"Mm, alright..." He nodded understanding you're explanation before walking into the elevator.

Once you were in there as well you pressed the main floor button as a small awkward silence fell over the both of you as you twitched nervously trying not to stare at this attractive man. Soon he finally broke the silence by clearing his throat causing you to look over at him from your staring contest with the floor. 

"I'm Arthur," He cleared his throat again. "Arthur Kirkland...if you wanted to know..."

"O-Oh, um..." You blushed. "I'm [f/n] [l/n]..."

He nodded and smile small causing you to quickly look away as your heart did a number of flips. You couldn't help but to think about his smile, you mean it was just so cute! And not to mention his beautiful eyes! And even though with what happened and all he's pretty nice to you to. You smiled at that thought only for your mind to wander to the song your were listening to when you came here. It actually fitted him very well... after he was definitely eye candy...

"What the hell!?" You slapped you hand over your mouth with cheeks that probably put a tomato to shame. "Why did I think that!? I shouldn't be thinking things like that especially with a peeping tom!? What is happening with me!?"

Finally the elevator's doors opened and the both of you rushed over to the front desk clerk with some anger, well it was more Arthur than you. The man behind the desk was still looking at his paperwork not even noticing your arrival causing a rather annoyed Arthur to clear his throat loudly. 

"Excuse me?" Arthur spoke up getting the clerk's attention. "But would you please explain to us why you have us in the same room?"

"What?" He finally looked up. 

"Why do we have the same room?" You repeated a little annoyed by this man.

"I didn't do that..." He raised an eyebrows before looking back down at his work. After a few page flips his face paled and he gulped rather loudly. "Oh, man...I guess I accidentally did...I'm so sorry about this..."

"Well what done is done," Arthur sighed before getting his room key out and handing it over. "Just get me another room already..."

"Um..." The clerk gulped once more. "W-We don't have anymore available rooms right now..."

"What!?" Arthur's eyes widened before leaning over the counter. "Come again?"

"W-We just sold our last room ten minutes ago..." The clerk added. "So we're now out of rooms for the night..."

"You've got to be kidding me..." Arthur sighed while slumping his head forward in defeat before combing his hand through his hair. "Well, I guess I'll just find another hotel to stay in..."

"N-No!" You blurted out. This only resulted with the both of them staring at you with shock and widened eyes. immediately you looked away with redden cheeks and started another staring contest with the floor. "I-I mean, you can stay with me if you want...I don't want you to waste anymore money than you have to...but that's only if you want to..."

"..." Arthur blinked a few times before stuttering nervously. "A-Are you sure, love?"

"Y-Yeah..." You nodded still avoiding his gaze. You couldn't believe you just did that. 

"A-Alright," He nodded and turned back to the desk clerk with a small smile and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I guess...I'll be staying the night with her..."

Before you you knew it you found yourself rushing over to the elevator not seeing if he followed or not but you could tell he was definitely nearby. But that's not what's on your mind right now. In fact, you couldn't help but to feel excited and nervous at this same time! You had just asked him to stay with you! Him! Arthur Kirkland, the hot guy that you bumped into earlier! For some reason, you had a very good feeling that this night had just got started and its definitely going to be an interesting night.

The Sides Unseen (Hetalia: England One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now